Chapter 184

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Josh asks again for like the thirtieth time since I woke up this morning.

I'm not going to pretend that I can't fucking feel what we did last night, but I've never been someone that's opposed to a bit of pain with my pleasure.

It was fucking worth it.

I had every intention of hiding it from all the hoard in the Manor today, but considering that the only people that have been able to make eye contact with me since I came down for breakfast are Brie, Steve and the kids, I'm going to assume that everybody else already knows what happened last night.


I swear I used to be the quiet one in our relationship.

This is his fault, he's just too fucking good at it. Although I guess even if they hadn't heard us, the purple fucking marks all over my neck would've been a dead giveaway.

Jayce gives me another look across the living room, it's not like the look of hate that he used to give us back before he decided to stop being a prick about our relationship, more one of disbelief as he stares between me and Josh.

"Jealous?" We both know full well why he's looking at us like that. I'm pretty sure Lee is still at that point in her pregnancy where if he comes near her she'll tear his fucking balls off so he probably hasn't got any in a while.

"Kind of." He shrugs.

Okay, fuck me, I wasn't actually expecting him to admit it!

Josh bursts out into laughter, whilst Lee just smacks Jayce across the back of the head before walking into the pantry and re-emerging with four giant bags of chips. This restaurant is only like twenty minutes away from here but I'll still bet that they'll have to stop for a fucking snack run because she'll finish those in the first ten.

"Well keep being jealous because you sure as fuck aren't getting any tonight." She stutters out through a mouthful of Cheetos. "I'm fucking exhausted, I never thought I'd wish for the days of listening to Steve and Brie having gang bangs in the room next door but you two last night... Fuck me."

Those were pretty much the words that started it all, but I won't tell her that.

It's nice to hear Josh laugh finally this morning, he was pretty much ready to die of embarrassment when we left the room but now I think he's just gotten used to the fact that everyone around here heard him smash my fucking brains out last night.

Why the fuck didn't I let him do that months ago? It was... soooo fucking good.

Josh leans over and starts to rub at my cheek, his mum just left to go to his aunts house but she made sure to leave a heap of those lipstick kisses that she loves so much all over my damn face first.

I like her, she's funny. Although Josh was less than impressed when she started grading all the guys on the team on a scale of one to extremely fuckable. I've promised to introduce her to Eli the next time that she's in town, and I think for once he might have met his fucking match in her.

Maybe an older woman is what he needs to get over this dude that seems to be treating him like absolute fucking shit.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to this thing? We can take Liam or maybe I should just stay here with you guys?" I shake my head, we'll be fine.

Brie has them all booked into some fancy restaurant that all the celebrities go to just outside of Westbrooke for brunch, she got the reservation months ago, before she even knew about me and Josh, so she only got tickets for them lot.

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