Epilogue Three

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"Oh my God, Dad! Stop talking to my friends, you're so embarrassing!" When will she realise that's only going to make him do it more?

Zi tries to drag her friends away to their room whilst Miles goes out of his way to add them all on Instagram and just cause his daughter even more fucking embarrassment.

He fucking lives for this.

I can't believe we're back here of all fucking places, I should have known he'd turn one of our fucking kids into a basketball prodigy whether they liked it or not... I genuinely never thought I'd see this camp again.

"I can't believe that you're Coach's brother... You're so much more handsome than he is... Is that why you're called TheBetterThompsonBrother on your profile? Because you're so much better looking?" If my daughter's friends could just stop hitting on my husband now, I'd really fucking appreciate it.

He's like twenty-five years older than them! I mean, he doesn't fucking look that but seriously... God, I really shouldn't still want him this much at this point should I?

"Melinda! Down girl! Stop hitting on my fucking dad!" At least one of my children has their priorities in fucking order, Harleah hasn't seemed to notice fuck all as Zi storms back over. Unfortunately she's inherited my ability of being absolutely fucking oblivious to other people, like the basketball player standing across the field looking at her like she's a fucking snack!

I will tear your fucking balls off mate, don't fucking think about it.

Miles just chuckles at our daughter grabbing hold of one of her best friends by her hair and starts dragging her into the building far away from him. That girl is trouble but I'm pretty sure that her father thinks it's my daughter that is the bad influence anyway, so what the fuck can I say? You never get two kids the same but the twins are opposites in almost every way.

Whilst Zi is all about the fight of the game and seeing what trouble she can get into this week, Harl is on the cheerleading team and likes to just float through life with her head down. You'd never guess she was actually part of the squad right now, with her sitting all the way over there away from the group on a bench with her face buried in a book.

Zoe walks over to sits with her but Harl doesn't even look up from the page.

Miles was so happy when he found out she was going to be here with her own daughter on this trip, now they can actually spend some time together. We flew over to see her in her show in the West-End last year, but she was so busy we only got to see her for about ten minutes before she was being whipped off somewhere else again.

I know he's happy to have her home finally, for however long it lasts.

A large hand plants itself down on my shoulder, Jayce bearing his weight against me as he looks out at the team he's built.

"Are you ready for this? Because I'm not keeping this lot out of trouble on my own. I'll let them have initiation tonight but I'm going to drill them like a bitch in the morning so they can lose the idea for the rest of the week. Did you have that chat with Zi about not trying to claw the opposition's eyes out again, I'll a have to bench her if she costs us a game like last time, not that I fucking want to. You know she's my little superstar."

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