Chapter 89

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I knew I didn’t want to sleep without Miles here tonight, I just wasn’t sure how I was going to take him with me from that place.

Brie however decided to take upon herself to play fucking matchmaker, so when Tara offered to drop Miles off at Eli’s place she immediately offered up my own services instead. I really love her for that.

Liam was elated when Miles got in the car, immediately asking him if he would like to come home with us for a bit before he saw his friend. I had planned on asking him gently if it would be okay for Miles to stay with us tonight, or maybe even just waiting until after he went to sleep for him to come over, but the fact that he actually wanted him here so badly really made it easier.

“So what are we going to do tonight little man?” Miles asks as we pull into the driveway. Liam has been so busy picking the dried paint off his fingertips that he hadn't even realised we were home yet.

“It’s Saturday, we always have movie nights in Josh’s bed if I sleep over on Saturdays. You can stay too, he usually gets p-pizza for us but we can get something different if you want. Anything, Josh knows all the good food places because he can’t cook.” Thanks for that brother... It’s funny that I was so worried about Liam not liking Miles, when I think it’s turning out that that little boy is so much more concerned with Miles liking him.

“Dude, why would I want anything other than pizza?” He jokes, leaning over into the back seat and unclipping Liam’s seatbelt for him when he could see him struggling. It’s the little stuff like that that’s going to make it impossible for me to ever walk away from this guy. “Pizza is the best, do you know what movie you want to watch?”

Liam slips out of the car and bypasses me completely to take hold of Miles’ hand when walking up to the front door. I’d be offended if they didn't look so cute together, it’s only made sweeter when Miles turns back too look at me, smiling widely like he's just one a prize championship because Liam picked him.

“I don’t mind... do you want to pick?” The air is so cold now, biting at the skin of my fingers as I try to unlock the front door. The barbecue went on a lot longer than I think anybody intended, it’s so late now that I know whatever film we pick, Liam won’t be seeing the end of it before falling fast asleep.

Miles has only been to my place like twice, but you’d never know it from the way he just waltzes in and dumps his shoes in the corner before pulling Liam up onto the back of the couch and tossing his shoes in the same direction. You’d swear he lives here, just slotting himself straight into my life like a piece I didn’t even realise was missing.

When we get our own place I’m going to have to get him one of those fucking units that goes by the door because that shit is just fucking messy.

Holy fucking shit, what the hell am I saying?

Liam makes himself comfortable next to his new favourite person, showing him whatever level he's just created on his video game as I throw the popcorn into the microwave ready.

“What kind of pizza do you guys want?” I ask, only getting a shrug as a response from Liam, he's never been particularly fussy when it comes to pizza.

“Pepperoni and sausage, I’ve got a serious sausage craving right now.”

Do. Not. Laugh.

Miles sits staring at the video game, completely unaware of what he just said and the grin it caused on my face. Sometimes I forget how innocent he is... Bless him.

The corn pops, the pizza arrives and I manage to wrestle Liam into his pyjamas after I promised that he wouldn't be the only one wearing them. He’s really got a thing about being the odd one out, probably because he feels like that every other day of his life so when he's here he just wants to be like everybody else.

“Yours don’t have pictures on.” Liam remarks upon my emergence from the bathroom in my grey sweats and white t-shirt.

“Oh that’s only because they don’t make them in his size little man, I think if he could wear character pyjamas then he definitely would. Steve was telling me all about his love for My Little Pony earlier, maybe we should see if we can find him a pair with them on?” Liam and Miles begin to laugh like crazy, if he didn’t look so fucking good in my clothes right now I’d shove him off that fucking bed.

I’m gonna kill Steve, you watch a show one time when severely fucking hangover and it haunts you for the rest of your life!

Liam is getting most of the sauce from his pizza down his pyjamas but I don’t say anything, squeezing in next to the two of them in the little space they’ve left me on my own fucking bed before grabbing a slice for myself.

“So what film did you two decide on?”

Liam looks up lovingly at Miles as he smiles back down at him. “Well Liam tried to convince me that I needed to watch Monsters University, but then we discovered that he has clearly been abused and neglected by you because he’s somehow made it to seven years old without ever having watched E.T! We’ve both decided we need to rectify your misgivings.”

Oh yeah, it's my fucking fault that he hasn't watched a film that came out like 25 years before he was even fucking born!

“There's no pretty pink ponies in it though so maybe we should find something else that you like better?” Steve is dead.

I pick up a handful of popcorn and throw it directly at Miles’ face, most of it landing in Liam’s hair, not that he seems to care as he continues to laugh hysterically.

The movie begins and I try not to laugh myself as I remember the last time I watched this movie with Brie. She’d never seen it before either and her reaction to the little alien wasn’t the same as most people’s - she told me and Al with all seriousness that if she walked out into her garden and saw a creature that looked like E.T, she’d smash his head in with a bat before it ever got close enough to touch her with a glowing finger.

To be fair, he's a freaky looking fucker.

I’m so used to it just being me and Liam, it almost feels odd when he twists in the opposite direction to me so his head can rest on Miles’ chest instead of mine. Not a bad feeling, just one I never thought I’d see with him. He’s bonded so quickly with him, I could understand why people would feel it’s too soon for him to be like this with Miles but I also know that he’s not going anywhere, Miles is always going to be a part of Heather’s life and so is Liam, they’ll always have that connection no matter what happens between me and him.

His arm stretches out along the pillows above Liam’s head until his hand sits at the back of my neck, lightly stroking the skin until the surface of my body is covered in those tiny bumps that only he seems to be able to cause. This feels... right. The three of us like this... it feels like it should be this way.

I look over at him, but the two of them are completely fixated on the screen. The light of the moving pictures illuminating them both as they lay in the comforting embrace. What is it about Miles that just makes people want to be around him? He has an aura of warmth you just don't find in many people, his body is made up of solid muscle yet I know how easy it is to sink into him.

Twenty-four hours ago I was laying in this bed, begging myself to walk away from him before either of us could get hurt. I truly tried to make myself believe that I would be happier in the safety of my lonely life then I would be risking my heart by placing it in his care.

I was wrong. So fucking wrong.

Being with him is the only thing that I know makes me entirely blissful. I just hope I don’t ruin it all with what I have to tell him tonight; a part of me just wants to pretend it never fucking happened, but I know this shit always ends up coming out at the worst moments and I won’t do to him what Zoe did. I have to tell him about Xade.

Liam’s eyes flutter shut before he forces them back open again, he’s made it further than I thought he would to be fair to the kid. Reaching into my side drawer, I take out his inhaler and Miles watches intrigued as he takes it in with each breath. He gives me a grateful smile before settling back down on Miles’ chest, he’s the only other man I’d let share that thing with me.

I’ll just let him fall asleep here before carrying him back to his bed. I’ll have to make sure I’m awake before him though, I’m not sure I’d be able to explain to him how me and Miles spent the night in the same bed without telling him everything.

“Milo?” He asks with his sleep ridden voice.

Miles takes the hand he had on the back of my neck and brings it forward so he can push Liam’s hair out of his eyes. “Yes little man?”

Liam looks up at him nervously, before darting his eyes back to the screen. Whatever he’s got to ask it’s obviously something he has trepidation about, but he also looks a bit excited. What’s he thinking?

Running my hand up and down his back soothingly, he relaxes his breathing before looking back up at Miles.

“Milo, are you Josh’s b-boyfriend?”

Oh fuck.

I immediately attempt to pull Liam back over to where I am so we can talk but Miles stops me, shaking his head and replacing the hand I had on Liam’s back with his own. Liam asked him the question and clearly he wants to answer it, I just don’t know what the fuck he can say.

“Would it be alright with you if I was?” My breath refuses to leave my lungs as Liam just lays looking up at him. Liam has known I’m gay since he was three, he found pictures of me and Harley in a box under my bed when we were playing hide and seek. He’s asked me a few questions over the years but mostly he’s just one of those kids that accepts people for exactly who they are.

But I’ve never even come close to introducing him to somebody before... I’ve never had a reason to, there hasn’t been anyone else until Miles.

“I..” Liam buries his head further into that solid chest and returns his eyes to the screen just as the bicycle crosses the moon. “I’d really like it if you were..”

He would?... He would...

Miles beams the brightest fucking smile I’ve seen on him, only letting it leave his face when he reaches down to leave a kiss on the top of Liam’s head.

He leans down further until he’s next to Liam’s ear, whispering so quietly he doesn’t think I can hear him but I hear every fucking perfect word.

“So would I.”

I want to fucking explode. This, I’ve actually got this fucking life. I’ve got a beautiful man laying on my bed, one that makes my heart stop and my head spin with a single look, one that doesn't make me feel like I’m hurting the first person I loved, one that my brothers adore, one that makes me so deliriously happy I sometimes have to remind myself that he's fucking real.

Liam closes his eyes and this time they don’t open as the hand he had gripping Miles’ shirt falls with dead weight at his side. As soon as I know he isn’t waking up, I reach across and take hold of my mans jaw to pull his lips into much needed contact with mine.

I often say that I couldn’t have imagined being with someone like him, but who the fuck could imagine being with someone this fucking perfect for you?

Miles carries all the empty pizza boxes downstairs as I take Liam’s almost unconscious body into his room and tuck him into his sheets.  He still looks so small in this bed, his clear blue eyes hidden under heavy lids whilst his chocolate brown hair sweeps its way across his pillow, the strands on his forehead flickering slightly in the wind of his exhales.

I love this little boy more than he will ever understand. He is so much more to me than just my baby brother, for so much of his life he's been the only reason for me to wake up in the morning, he's kept me sane in times where the world tried so desperately to pull me into madness.

And now he’s even enriching the parts of my life that were already fucking wonderful, being with Miles has made me so fucking happy but knowing that it’s bringing joy to Liam as well has just solidified everything I already felt. People can call it whatever the fuck they want; wrong, dysfunctional, unethical. We know what it really is - meant to be.

Miles pops his head around the door as I flick off Liam’s lamp.

“Is he okay?” I look over at him and nod, slowly backing my way out of the room. As I step out into the hall, Miles takes another second to look at him before shutting his door. “Why are kids always so much fucking cuter when they’re sleeping? I mean, that boy is already seriously cute but passed out like that, we could clone him and make a fortune from all the people that just want a ready built perfect child.”

He is not wrong, I know I’m totally biased but Liam has too much of me in him not to be the best kid on the planet.

“Are you sure it’s okay for me to stay?” Miles asks as we slip back into my room. “I can crash at Eli’s if this is awkward for you guys.”

He pushes the door closed, the lights from the rolling credits of the movie all that illuminate the room as I grasp his hips and turn him before slamming his back into the wood.

“You're not going anywhere.”

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