Chapter 13

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Sunlight appears to fill the room around me, the scent of tea tree and mint overwhelming my senses as I try to return to the land of the living from my unconscious state. I don’t think I’ve slept that well in years, funny considering how bloody awful this mattress is. I can feel the air on the back of my neck is ice cold, yet my body is engulfed in heat.

My arms hold the pillow I’m wrapped around tight as my mind reawakens slowly, and for a single solitary moment I’m completely at peace.

Until the pillow starts to move.


Opening my eyes I’m greeted with the back of Milo’s head of wavy dark hair, the scent that had been filling me with comfort moments ago I now realise is pouring out from him, pretty easy for him to do considering my face is almost buried in it.

Fuck, how did we even get in this position?

My arm is under his neck, my other around his waist as I hold his naked back against my chest. The blanket is covering us but just the feeling of his skin on mine is enough to keep me warm, and also to tell me we shouldn’t be sleeping like this. He’s even holding my hand to his chest as he breathes gently in his sleep.

Do not think about what’s pressed against your crotch Josh. Whatever you do, don’t think about it. You don’t need anything rising to attention against that perfect ass of his. Fuck, not perfect. I mean, it is perfect but... Fuck. Okay time to move before he realises what position your in, hell, before he realises what you just thought.

Last night, that was not okay. You can’t think shit like that, he’s Milo. He’s Jayce’s little brother Milo, he’s still a fucking teenager for Christ’s sake. I mean, he won’t be soon enough, but he’ll still only be fucking twenty.

Besides, he’s straight, and you know that looking at straight guys like that never fucking ends well for men like us.

As gently as I can, I pull my arm out from under his head, attempting not to disturb him as I manage to break free. His hand still tries to hold mine to his chest though, he probably thinks it’s fucking Zoe’s in his sleepy little head.

The second my body becomes free of his, I turn over completely and try not to pay attention to how fucking cold I feel now.

Last night was weird, really fucking weird. I haven’t felt that comfortable being so close with someone since... Harley. I’m not great with physical contact usually, but I didn’t stop this boy once, I didn’t even want to. That’s fucked up.

I’m not sure that him waking up to find me still in here with him is the best idea, maybe I should just jump in the shower or something? Eli will be here soon with his stuff and Miles was so smashed he probably won’t even remember last night. He won’t ever know I held him like that if he wakes up without me.

I move to the edge of the bed, ready to slip out when I’m suddenly held down by one giant arm across my hip. Milo wrapping around me with his still snoring body and thrusting me back into him as he holds us close together once more.

Then I feel it. Something really fucking solid pressing into my lower back.

Oh shit.

Okay, it’s okay Josh. You used to wake up like that every fucking morning at nineteen, it means fuck all. He’s probably imagining you’re some 5’5 blonde with boobs bigger than her head right now.

His hand moves around further, gently leaving my hip bone and trailing along my body before placing itself at the base of my stomach, his fingers stroking the exposed skin just above the waistband of my shorts, that were honestly already hanging dangerously low. The feeling of his hand in a place no-one has touched me in so long, fuck it feels...

Oh fuck no. No. No. Stop thinking about it Josh. Stop thinking about what seems to be the giant fucking dick in your back, stop thinking about how soft his hands are or how you never thought you’d find a guy strong enough to hold you like this. Fucking stop it.

Then I feel something I can’t ignore no matter how much I try, my heart skipping an entire array of beats and my body freezing instantly as he pulls himself in closer, snuggling his head into the back of my neck... His breath hitting the skin and making me shudder before I feel them touch it...

His lips.

A tremble makes its way from that point into each crack and crevice of my body, oh god. I haven’t had this, I haven’t felt anything close to this in so fucking long, I forgot how good it is.

It wasn’t a kiss, it was just the way he lent against me that let his lips touch my body but it was still too much. I can’t do this. Not with him.

Gently, I attempt to unwrap myself from his hold, there’s a part of me that just wants to stay here but the shit building up in my head right now isn’t healthy and I need it to stop.

Miles has his grip on me strong, so strong I could fool myself into believing he’s doing this consciously, but I tear myself free, jumping out of the bed quickly and rushing for the en-suite. I slam the door a little harder than I intended. Great, I’ve probably woken him now but like fuck am I going to check. I need a minute.

The water from the shower hits me hard, but not as hard as the slap I need. Seriously, where is Brie when I need her?

Sort your shit out and get your head together you fucking mess. That out there is a kid, a kid who was so drunk he could barely stand and ended up passing out in your bed.

This crap in your head right now, that’s exactly where it is happening – in your head. Now, get ready, get back out there and be the mate he needs.

I wash quickly, clearing my mind along with my body until I finally feel like a decent human being again. It was all in my head and I got carried away, it’s fine. No harm done, now forget it ever happened.

Wrapping the towel around my waist, I brush my teeth and attempt my best effort at making my hair look semi-presentable. I’m probably going to be running drills again today so it’ll only get screwed up anyway.

Stepping into the room, I’m not sure what kind of state I’ll find Miles in but to my surprise he’s sitting up in bed staring at his phone without a care in the world.

There’s even a small smile on his face as he becomes engrossed in the screen, his messy chocolate bed-hair looks better than my attempts at making mine acceptable.

“Morning, you’re alive then?” I joke, walking over to the dresser and pulling out some clothes.

He nods, looking up from his phone for just a moment before returning to the screen. “Yeah, I don’t really get bad hangovers, it’s weird.”

I hate the fucking young. If I drank like he did last night I’d be in bed for the next three days googling the quickest way to end my suffering.

Putting on my clothes under my towel, I manage to get the important bits covered before the whole thing falls away. I was just getting my shirt over my head when there was a knock at the door. Eli not even waiting for a response before walking straight into the room like he fucking lives here.

I thought English people were supposed to be polite or something?

Without a care in the world, he throws himself down on the bed next to Miles - my fucking bed. Dumping a bag of stuff on the mattress before him and pulling out a can of energy drink along with some pain killers. Miles snatches them from him gratefully and I quickly realise he’s maybe not as okay with this hangover as he was making out.

“How you feeling man? I brought you food too if you’re up to it?”

Oh god, don’t say food. I’m fucking starving but the shit they pass for food in that cafeteria is worse than I remember, I’m definitely finding the nearest pizza place later because like hell am I eating that stuff all day.

Miles shakes his head, clearly at the point of hungover where the thought of food is revolting. Give it an hour and he’ll be trying to eat everything in sight. I mean, like food, not people. Not me, I wasn’t thinking about him eating... oh fuck off.

“Alright man, Coach said to meet him on the courts in an hour so just rest up and I’ll see you there. Luke is still in the room so I’ve packed you some stuff to wear but you’ll need to talk to him at some point, our first test game is this afternoon.”

Miles takes another gulp of his drink, the can almost being crushed under his firm grip at the mention of that kid’s name. I don’t know how they’re supposed to fix this by then but he has to figure out a way to work with the guy, even if it’s just being civil, although if he’s as much of a prick as his father I can see the appeal in just smashing his face in.

“I’ll sort it.”

Eli doesn’t seem to need much more, it’s clear the two of them are really close. It’s kind of like Al and Brie, they say so much to each other without actually muttering a word.

I grab my laptop off the desk and make myself comfortable on the other bed, that still has the lingering odour of vomit now I’m closer, before opening my emails to give the two of them some time to talk. There’s a few here from Brie, three this morning she was looking at suits for the wedding again and wants my opinion. I love that girl but she needs to learn to sleep. We’ve still got months but she’s already freaking out.

My mind gets caught up in work, the douchebag from the Gearson project emailed to say he’ll be at the meeting when I get back. He also sent a new list of guarantees he wants added to the contract but I’m not even looking at them now.

“I’m sorry, you know, about last night.” I hadn’t even realised Eli had left, looking over it’s just Milo, his fingers keeping busy sliding his phone through them repeatedly. “I shouldn’t have got drunk like that, it was stupid. Thanks for letting me crash here, if I’d woken up to Luke’s smirking face I might have smashed it clean off again.”

Yep, Thompson temper.

“It’s fine, but you should probably talk to him so you can get some kind of middle ground before all these matches. You need the scouts to see you’re a good leader as well as a good player, they love shit like that.” He nods, stretching out his limbs before throwing off the blanket and standing tall.

Fucking hell. He needs to put some clothes on. Now.

There’s a small smirk on his face when I glance back up from my screen, almost like he knew exactly what he was doing and what it made me think. I need a change of subject.

“Oh yeah, I like you mate but like fuck am I sorting out those sheets for you. There’s a bag of laundry outside that door with your fucking name on it.”

He laughs, nodding his head at me with that beautiful smile. “Of course man. Can I use your shower?”

I gesture for him to go ahead as I become drawn back into my emails. Okay, more accurately - when I focus on my emails to keep my pervy fucking eyes off him as he walks to the bathroom in nothing but those skin tight boxers that leave fuck all to the imagination.

He pauses at the door, turing to face me and leaning against the frame with his arms crossed over his chiselled chest. Damn, how does he look like that in the morning? He almost fills the whole fucking space but it’s his smile that I can’t stop myself from staring towards.

“So... you make it a habit of liking two year old posts?”

Oh god. Kill me. Just kill me.

His smirk tells me there’s fuck all point in lying, the red that coats my cheeks is a dead give away anyway. Damn this baby face an it’s inability to hide fucking anything!

“I um.. Okay I was.. It’s a nice photo of you, I swear I didn’t mean to like it but it was kind of sweet to see the Milo I remembered there for a second.”

There’s no change in his expression, although the tightness in his body relaxes slightly.

“You preferred me like that?” He asks genuinely.

“Not preferred. You’re still you, it was just a reminder that you weren’t always so..”

“Big? Handsome? Ridiculously charming?”

Oh god. “Thompson. That you weren’t always so much of a fucking Thompson. Go shower, I can smell the vomit on you from here.”

He chuckles to himself, turning to enter the bathroom and holding the door. “I think you’re the only one that even remembers me like that... It’s nice, I forget sometimes there were people that actually liked me before the packaging got so appealing.”

I’m not complaining about the new packaging, but there is a part of me that can’t help but wonder how much of the boy I was so fond of is still in there somewhere.

“Although you could’ve at least followed me Josh, liking two year old photos without even following is fucking rude.” He laughs as he closes the door behind him and the water begins to fall.

He’s a cocky little shit. Usually I hate guys like that, so why is it so fucking endearing when he does it?

My phone pings just as I hear the glass shower door close. I have one notification, one that immediately makes me smile back at the closed door.

‘One new follower – TheBetterThompsonBrother’

Okay. He’s smooth.

That’s the only reason for these butterflies... right?

Guess who's back 😁
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