Creatures of the night - Part 3 - Ramsay x Reader

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For Dea_Scribere and alwood8574. I would also like to wish you all a very happy new year. And I hope that 2022 is better for all of us.

Ramsay had raced through the castle, demanding female attire from the servants and calling for a septon. No one foolish enough to enquire as to why the bastard would require either thing. All knowing that one reckless question could mean that they would meet a rack. Young serving girls instead choosing to dig through their own paltry supply of clothing so that they could take them to Ramsay's rooms. Their fear of entering his chambers, only heightened as they saw the woman in the bed. Her beauty not blighted by her dark eyes that glared at them. By the wicked smile that pulled at the corners of her lips. A smile that made all those that entered the chamber, feel as though the thin icy fingers of death had wrapped themselves firmly around their throats. And that their souls were being dragged down to the Seven Hells themselves.

Ramsay perused each item as it was dropped to the floor. The bastard not noticing how the faces of the young woman appeared to turn ashen as they looked at his bride to be. How their bodies trembled before they quickly fled his rooms in terror. Not noticing (Y/n) laughing to herself as she saw the horror in the servants faces. The flayer of men too concerned with finding the mother of his child, something suitable so that they could be wed. Ramsay promising that as soon as he could, he would have (Y/n) dressed only in the most elaborate of gowns. In the thickest and softest of furs. That her flesh would know what it was to be kissed by the finest of gold and jewels.

"Ramsay, my love. A great lord like you, should not be concerning himself with trifling matters such as women's clothing. I will find myself something suitable. Something perfect for our marriage. But we cannot have a marriage without a septon. And I see no septon here. It would appear that the servants are ignoring your orders. That they are not listening to you. How can our son admire a father whose words are not headed by the smallfolk?" (Y/n) noted. Ramsay looking around and realising that she was right. That his demands were being ignored. The bastard of the Dreadfort jumping to his feet and making his way from the room. His angry shouts ringing through the corridors. His ire like music to the dark creature's ears, as she moved forward on the bed. The sheet slipping from her naked form, as she gracefully rose to her feet. The thought that she could manipulate Ramsay as easily as she could all other mortals, assuring the creature of the dark that her grip on the world would be tighter than she could ever have imagined. That he would be as easy to bring to his knees, if ever the time came, as the rest of the mortals.


The door to the chambers flew open. (Y/n) turning to see Ramsay pulling an old man behind him. The elderly male, obviously a septon given his garb, staring at (Y/n) as Ramsay threw him to the ground. The colour draining from his skin, as her now beautifully clothed form, loomed over him. Her black eyes peering deep into his soul.


"I am what, septon? A creature of the night? One of the damned? The bringer of darkness? Yes cleric. I am all that and more. I am your every worst nightmare given physical form. Brought back to this world." (Y/n) informed the cowering man. The septon looking between the creature and the bastard of the Dreadfort in disbelief.

"Then that must mean that you........that you are..........."

"That your lord and master here has had the pleasure of knowing my body. That he has seeded me, and I am with child? Again cleric, you would be right. And now there is one final step. A marriage." (Y/n) interrupted. Anger growing inside her, as the pale haired man shook his head violently.

"No, I will not. I will not do it! The gods will not allow it. That abomination that grows in you belly will never be given legitimacy. It should not even be given life. It..................." The septon began. His words strangled from his throat, as (Y/n)'s hand firmly gripped around his neck. Ramsay watching with amazement, glee and pride, as his bride to be effortlessly picked up the old man. Cashing his body into the stone wall behind him. His feet dangling in the air, as the creature of the night moved to speak softly to him.

"You listen to me, and you listen well. You have two choices. The first being that I can rip your still beating heart from your chest. Its final thumps the last things that you will see before your soul makes its way to the Seven Hells, to pay for your crimes against all those young men that you seem so very fond of. For all the pain that you have caused them and so many others while hiding behind your gods. The second, and this is a choice that I suggest you take. You marry your lord to me. You give my child its rightful claim to this land. And I will ensure that you live even longer than you already have, old man. Serve Ramsay and I, and all will be well." (Y/n) hissed. The septon gasping for air. His fingers digging into the creature's hand, as her face turned from one of beauty, to one of darkness. Her black eyes showing him his fate if he were to refuse her request. Ramsay laughing, as a puddle formed on the floor under the suspended man. The septon nodding his head, as his agreed the (Y/n)'s second choice. His body falling unceremoniously on the floor, as (Y/n) released her grip.

"Now my dark hearted love. Shall we?" (Y/n) asked, as she turned to look at a grinning Ramsay. The flayer of men happily taking the hand that she offered him so that he could pull her to his side. The septon struggling to his feet, as the lovers looked deep into one another's eyes.

"And when we are wed, perhaps you should introduce me to your father." (Y/n) chuckled. Her fingers delicately stroking Ramsay's cheek. The sky outside turning dark. The heavens opening and lightening striking the earth, as the septon spoke the first words of the marriage ceremony.  

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