The Nightmare

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A/N: real quick I do not know spanish but I might add some spanish words here and there if your spanish and reading this please tell me if I get a word wrong I am not meaning to offend anyone in anyway. Onto the first chapter. TW:PANIC ATTACKS. EMOTIONAL ABUSE PLEASE DONT READ IF ANY OF THIS TRIGGERS YOU
Mirabel POV: I woke up like every day...except I felt different somehow. I cant really explain it. Well anyway I got up and went to wake everyone up. Then I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast because I always make breakfast on Fridays. So as I was making breakfast I had burned my hand I tried not to let anyone hear or see and surprisingly it worked that's when I realized... no one was around. It was dead silent in the casita. I went to everyone's room but no one was in there. I screamed for them but no one came, no one heard. I started panicking and went to my room. Then my family showed up all at once in my room as if they all teleported. I panicked even more as they were all saying mean things such as 'how could you be such a disgrace to this family!' And 'I cant believe your my daughter I knew I should have gotten an abortion!' The words that hurt the most were 'no wonder you didn't get a gift its because your useless, you will always be useless!' I cried and screamed knowing that they didn't care and making fun of me made it worse. Then I was shaking not from fear but because...someone was.....shaking me...? I dreaming!? So then this is just a nightmare!! But still I felt as if what they were saying is true.

Camilo POV: I woke up wondering why Mirabel hasn't woken me up yet that's when I realized that she hasn't woken anyone up. "Huh that's weird" I say to myself I decide to go to Maribel's room to see what's up with her. As I got closer I heard her breathing fast and heavily? It sounded like...she was having a panic attack or hyperventilating! I rushed in and closed the door lightly im surprised Dolores hasn't heard Mirabel's breathing yet. I rushed over and shook her awake or well tried to anyway. Keyword being Tried. I shook her and yelled her name but then she started crying and then she stopped breathing. "NO NO NO MIRABEL BREATHE. CMON WAKE UP!!" I was trying my best to wake Mirabel up but nothing was working. I didn't want to get the rest of the family because I knew Mirabel wouldn't want that and I respect that. Well anyway after shaking her a few more times she woke up screaming. I quickly hugged her but she didn't know who was hugging her. I mean it made sense after all she did have a panic attack while asleep then I woke her up while she was having a panic attack well anyway I tried to think of the person she trusts the most was but I couldnt so I just worked on calming her down. First I placed her hand where my heart was and said "Mirabel, focus on my heartbeat" she nodded but said nothing. I then said "good, now lets count to 5 without stuttering" she nodded. "Okay i'll start then you follow" once again she nodded. "One." "O-one." she sobbed. "Hey, hey its okay Mirabel, just take it slow and take deep breathes" I said. She then took a deep breath and tried again. "One." She said. "Good job!" She then smiled at me and we continued. She stumbled on some words but then she remembered to take deep breathes and then she got through it. Then she teared up and thanked me. I smiled and wiped her tears and told her "That's what family is for prima." I told her to stay in her room because I knew she didn't want the family to see her like this. She agreed and sat there waiting for me to come back. I left and came back with food for her.

Mirabel POV: I felt someone shaking me and yelling my name but I didn't know who so that freaked me out by alot. This person was so persistent. I got very frightened and woke up and screamed. The person hugged me I didn't know who was hugging me. I was thinking of who it could be but I couldn't think straight I was brought back to reality when the person put my hand in their heartbeat and I heard them faintly say "focus on it". That's when I realized that it was Camilos voice! I focused on his heartbeat then he said to copy him when counting to five. I copied him and struggled but I got it and was fully calmed down. He told me to stay in my room and I had no objections there. He then came back with food for both of us and he stayed with me all day to make sure I was alright.

BONUS SCENE: no ones POV: Camilo went down to the kitchen to grab breakfast for both him and mirabel then he got stopped by Abuela. She said "Why arent you and Mirabel eating down here" he answered simply by saying "Sorry abuela I don't think Mirabel would want any of you all to know" he then started to leave but before he did he turned around to face Dolores and said "if you heard any of that please don't tell anyone anything" Dolores nodded and said "Tell Mirabel I said hi" she says sadly. "I will" answered camilo.

Words before editing: 962
Words after editing: 981
Posted: January 1, 2022
Posted after editing: June 26, 2022

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