CH.6- Party kill

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Chucky smirk as he look at you. "I was testing." He said as he back away and went on his seat. You breath heavily not knowing what's his trying to prove.

"Anyways It's 2:40 PM. You'll go at the party by 7:30 right?"

"Yeah, lets go look for some restaurant to eat, I'm kinda hungry." You said as you grabbed the handle, "Let's head off."



An hour passed after a long trip, you've been playing Gwen Stefani's music on your Spotify playlist to interrupt you with your overthinking. Chucky had been sleeping over an hour too. You pulled over nearby a mini market, Chucky woke up.

"Uhh What is this, what are we doing here?" Chucky spoke with a sleepy tone. "I'm going to buy us a food, you stay here ok?" You said as you parked by the parking lot and going out of the car.

Several minutes later, you got back to your car bringing your food with you on a plastic bag. You got inside and handed the food to Chucky.

"What's this?" He asked as he pulled out his food, burger. "That's your food, eat it." You said as you pulled out your food and opened the container.

Chucky turned his head. "Smell something familiar, what's that?" "Swedish meatballs." You replied. Chucky's reaction changed as he heard the word 'Swedish meatball'. It looks like he was more interested about your food.

"Switch?" You asked, he didn't response instead, he handed you the burger. Both of you switch your meals, Chucky seems a bit satisfied about his food.

"Thanks." Chucky said in a low tone. You chuckled as you see him actually being grateful over a food. Both of you had eaten your meals in silence.

friendship still haven't develop between the two of you instead, being a jerk to each other does.

"So uh Kid." Chucky spoke breaking the silence, You turned your head facing him.

"Had you kissed a girl?" He asked all of the sudden. "Yea but it's nothing too serious about it." You said lowering your tone, scratching your neck.

"Alright then, ever kissed a guy then?" Chucky asked once again. You raise a brow tilting your head slightly. "Which is fine by the way." He added.

"I know it's fine." You said pausing for a second making an eye contact with him. "So ever kissed a guy?" "No." "Right okay, you're unattached." Chucky said, you make a slight cough.

"Why are you even asking this kind of questions?" You asked. "I'm just trying to get to know more about you asshole." He said in a bit aggressive tone.

"Well you don't have to know my relationship status." You snapped. "Chill mother fucker I was trying to be fucking nice."

"Well It's not working." You said leaning backwards. You looked at the time showing that It's 4:10 PM.

"Hey can you wake me up around 7PM?" You asked for a favor. " Are you seriously going to sleep that long? Why do you need to take a fucking rest anyways?" Chucky asked.

"I get tired easily and I need to fucking sleep, and it would be NICE if you kindly wake me up at 7 ok?" You said adjusting your seat so you can lay down.

"That explains why you're still single. You get tired so fucking easy. Bet you can't take 10 minutes on bed." Chucky smirked.

"Shut up." You scoff as you lay down and covered your face with your jacket so he can't see your face while you're sleeping.

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