I Can't Remember

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MJ was sleeping soundly in her bed. Her curls were splayed out over the fluffy pillow, her mouth slightly open as her arms curled under her head. Her eyes fluttered open, and a yawn escaped her mouth. She moved her head slightly towards the window and scrunched up her eyes as she caught a glimpse of something red and blue jump below the glass. Shaking her head, MJ looked up at her ceiling, her mind drifting back to when she saw a boy with short, wavy brown hair, soft brown eyes, and small pink lips at her job a few weeks ago. He was, well, weird.

Why did he stare at me like that? 

MJ fast-forwarded to when the boy studied her necklace. She felt nervous and concerned as she saw water lining his eyes. The memory was stuck in her mind for weeks; she just couldn't seem to shake it out.

Why did he look at my necklace like that? Why were there tears in his eyes? ....Do I know him? No, no of course not. I've never seen him in my life. This is insane. I'm stressing over a boy! He probably thought that I was someone else or I reminded him of someone. But, the necklace...no. He's just some guy who probably had a bad day or something. It's not like he gave the necklace to me or something, I mean I distinctly remember buying the necklace when..........wait. I can't remember. Where did I even get this necklace?

MJ ripped off the duvet laying on top of her and sat in an upright position, staring blankly at the floor. "I can't rememb-"

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of MJ's mother who was knocking on the door.

"MJ honey? Are you up?"

MJ quietly slipped back into bed, not wanting her mom to see her awake at this hour. MJ could see the door rattle as her mom lightly turned the handle.

"I know you're awake Michelle," her mom lifted the covers off of her daughter to see MJ's worried expression.

"You okay?"

MJ shook off her expression and pushed herself up with her hands, crossed her legs, and stared at the mattress below her.



MJ lifted one of her hands towards her chest where her broken black dahlia necklace sat and faced it towards her mom.

"Do you remember where I got this?"

MJ pursed her lips and shifted on her bed, as she undid the clasp of the necklace. Her mom stroked MJ's curly brown hair as she said,

"I don't remember you saying anything about buying it, but I do remember you coming back from that Europe trip you took a while back with that necklace around your neck. Why do you ask?"


MJ left out the boy as she explained.

"I was trying to recall where I had gotten it after someone at school asked about it and I had no idea."

"That's a mystery. I'm sure you'll remember in the morning; try to get some sleep okay MJ?"

She kissed MJ on the cheek before turning to leave the room.

"Okay mom. Thanks."

The door shut with a creak.

MJ sighed and let herself fall back on her mattress. MJ could feel something under her legs and slipped her hand under her knee to pull out the dahlia necklace. She spent a few minutes observing the petals and pearls that decorated the piece of jewelry and seriously doubted that she knew where and when she received the necklace.

I never get myself anything besides books, and I've never told anyone about the black dahlia murder except for Ned. Ned definitely didn't give this to me, we're not THAT close and I doubt he would ever think of getting me anything this thoughtful. Plus, I would remember if Ned gave it to me.....why is it broken? GOSH, THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING.  Maybe I should ask...what was his name? .....Peter Parker...Should I? Would it be awkward? He's the only person who seemed to know about the necklace. But where would I even find him? 

MJ jumped out of her bed and dashed to her dresser. She tugged at her t-shirt, pulled it over her sweatpants, and rummaged through the top drawer to look for her phone. When she finally spotted a light emanating from her phone she put in her password and googled "Peter Parker".  After a while of staring at a blue ring in the middle of her screen, spinning and spinning and spinning, a blank page came up with the words "your search - Peter Parker -  did not match any documents." MJ scrunched up her face in confusion. "Weird."

Throwing her phone back in the drawer something caught her eye. It was a framed photo. Confused, MJ wrapped her fingers around the frame and pulled out the photo.

She made her way back to her bed and sat down facing away from the window. She curiously turned the frame around to see three dark shapes with what looked like Times Square behind them. Desperate to discover what the silhouettes were, MJ hastily turned to her bedside table and flicked the switch on a wire that connected to a small lamp. Her heart started to race as her eyes scanned the picture. The bright lights of New York City framed the three teens that starred in the shot, the buildings towering over them. Her eyes seemed to be avoiding the middle of the picture, observing the world around the three figures displayed in the photo instead of them. MJ took a breath as she forced her eyes to stare straight at the middle of the frame. MJ found herself staring at, well, herself. In the picture, MJ was smiling the biggest smile, her dimples clearly visible. It looked as though she was trying hard not to look towards something or someone else. Her cheeks were pink and her hair fell in waves around her face. She had a side part and a clip holding the other side of her hair back. Above MJ was Ned. He too was smiling the biggest smile. He had his hands above MJ's head as well as the other figure's head in peace signs. His mouth was slightly open like he was laughing. MJ realized that she had never seen Ned and herself this happy before and that she didn't recall this moment. Her heart started to beat louder in her chest when her eyes followed Ned's peace sign over to a boy. His face was turned towards MJ, his eyes shut in a playful manner, his hair a brown mess of waves and curls, his cheeks as pink as MJ's, and his lips touching MJ's cheek in a slight smile. MJ dropped the frame and gasped. Just to make sure what she saw was real, she picked up the frame from her wooden bedroom floor and looked at the boy once more.

He's kissing me!? Who is- Oh my god.

MJ studied what she could see of the boy's small face. His brown wavy hair, small pink lips- holy crap!  MJ slapped her free hand on her mouth and spoke a bit too loudly......"IT'S PETER!"

MJ was too invested in her discovery to see Spiderman topple to the ground outside her window and hear his exclamation, "Oh shi-!"


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I enjoyed writing it. I kind of know where I'm going to go with this story but I'm not 100% sure how Peter will make them remember him. Any ideas?

What do you guys think will happen next?

Comment questions and any suggestions!

- Natasha

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