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She saw it all.

From watching him as he walked past her at school, to when he first smiled at her. From small conversations to catching him disappear.

After every moment ended, she was sucked into another.

She could see him staring at her and rushing out of decathlon practice. She could feel the heat rise in her cheeks when he told her she looked pretty. Her heart fluttering when he asked her to walk around Prague with him. Amazement filling her head when she found out that he was Spiderman. She could......remember? Running through a museum; being chased by a drone. Feeling worried about him. Staring at the beautiful broken necklace in her palm. Hearing the pounding and crumbling cease. Running to him. Kissing him.

She could feel his head sitting on her shoulder as they flew back home, sending warmth through her neck. The tangle of their fingers as they walked silently through the airport. His voice when he asked her on a date and said goodbye. Soaring through the air, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around his waist and neck. Her stomach flipping as the both of them dove into the city. The lump in her throat when his identity was announced. The screams and shouts. The words that teased her and confused him. She could see the clouds in the pale blue sky as she lay next to him. She could feel his and Ned's hands against hers as they planned for a fresh start. Her eyes stared at the villains behind the stone walls, confusion plaguing her head. She felt the tears dripping down her cheeks and she could see him breaking down. Her heart pounded in her chest and her head felt light as she plummeted down the statue. And then, she heard him one last time.

"You're gonna forget who I am."

"What?" Ned's voice broke.
"Forget who you are -- what are you talking about?" Fear rose in MJ's chest as the words came spilling out. Peter swallowed hard and a tear escaped his eyes. "I'll make you remember me, and it will be like none of this ever happened. Okay?"

His eyes darted from Ned to MJ, waiting for an answer. MJ's heartbeat throbbed inside her chest and her eyes burned. Her throat felt like it was shrinking as she puzzled over the situation. "Okay, but what if that doesn't work? What if-- What if that doesn't work? What if we can't remember you? I don't want to do that. I don't-- I don't want to do that."

Tears streamed down her face as she tried to hold in her sobs. Beside her, Ned stood still, frozen in disbelief. "I know, MJ. I know."

"But, what-- Is there not something we can do? We can't come up with, like, a plan or something, you know? There's always something we can do?" Panic rose in her chest as her breathing quickened. Her eyes bore into Peters, and he shook his head. "There's nothing we can do. But it'll be okay." He reassured them. But it made no impression. MJ tried to catch her breath as Ned's eyes brimmed with tears. "You promise?" Ned asked.
"Yeah, I promise." A faint smile painted Peter's face as he closed the empty space between him and Ned. Their hands clasped and moved in sync as they did their handshake for what felt like the last time. They pulled each other into a tight hug, both trying their hardest not to break down. "I'll come find you, okay?" Peter whispered into Ned's shoulder. "I know you will." Ned's tears dripped onto Peter as they held each other tighter. They both stared at the ground as they release their embrace, and Peter turned to MJ. "You better. If you don't, I'm just gonna figure it out. I've done it before, I can do it again. "

Water lined her eyes, longing to fall. "I promise I'll fix this."

MJ's eyes lifted to the sky as she said, "I really hate magic." His laugh rang in her ears and his smile lightened her heart. "Yeah, me too."

Her eyes sank into his soft brown ones, and she knew.

"I love you."

The ghost of a smile played on her lips when he sank deeper into her eyes. Peter opened his mouth. "I love--"

But this isn't what she wanted. MJ didn't want this to be the end. It couldn't be. "Just wait. Wait and tell me when you see me again. "

Ned looked to the sky. Rumbling encased the world as the new spell started to take effect. The purple cracks drew closer together and began to mend. They didn't have much time. Then again....they never did. Peter turned to MJ with red puffy eyes and pulled her in. It was as if there was nothing else in the world but them. He was the only thing that mattered. She was the only thing that mattered. Locked in an embrace, his lips on hers, her hands wrapped around his neck, magic swirling above their heads. After all that happened, they finally felt safe. Their foreheads leaned against each other's and their eyes shut. Not wanting to let go, they stayed intertwined.

MJ was reluctant to let go, holding onto him as he made the first move, stepping back. Tears streamed down their faces as he slowly jumped onto a ledge, taking his last glance at his friends. The spell twirled around them, closing in on Ned and MJ. But just as the magic washed over them, MJ managed to mouth one last "I love you."

Peter's webs burst out of his wrist and he flipped below the Statue.

The spell hit Ned and MJ.


The golden light returned, burning brighter than ever in her head. MJ could feel her fingers against her cheeks and the tears that stained her face as the light grew brighter, forcing her eyes to open. She could taste the salt as her tears slipped down her lips, and could feel the Dhalia petals against her fingers. And just as she regained consciousness and the golden string faded into nothingness, the magic finishing its course, her lips parted.

And in a soft and heartbroken voice, she whispered, "He promised."

Hi guys!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I can't wait to keep writing and I hope you all will keep reading!

MJ finally remembers. Will she confront Peter? Will the spell reach Ned as well?

Who knows....


P.S. You just know I was crying so bad while writing this.

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