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The crunching sound snow makes as someone walks along the sidewalk on a winter morning is just so.....gosh how to explain it. The way snowflakes gently drape themselves on top of crystallized lakes and rosy noses; the puffs of white smoke rush out of talkative lips; the warm feeling hot chocolate sends down through your body from your head down to your toes; the strings of fairy lights that sprinkle themselves on top of naked trees and furnished houses; it's all so...


Balls of smoke appeared in front of Peter's lips as he laughed and listened to MJ snicker on the phone he cradled ever so closely to his ear. "What? What's so hilarious about me saying that I find winter comforting?" Ned asked, exasperated.

"No-noth-thing," Peter choked out. "It was just..*ahem* the way you said it."

"Yeah, exactly. You said it in such a...grandmother-ly way."

Ned let out an offended shriek while Peter struggled out another laugh as his teeth chattered. "Haha, funny MJ. Real funny," Ned's voice dropped down to a whisper, "Peter, are you almost here? I'm getting really tired of being teased by your girlfriend."

"Yeah I'm almost-," Peter heaved open the door to Ned's apartment lobby, "there."

"Hurry up. I'm running out of things to do with her. She's already beaten me at battleship five times. Five freaking times!"

Peter hung up the phone and curled up his knuckles in front of Ned's door. Just as his hand reached for the wood, Ned swung the door open, resulting in Peter tripping over his feet. "Ah yes. Calls himself Spiderman, a goddamn superhero, and yet is the clumsiest person on the planet." MJ stepped into view behind Ned's shoulder.

"Wow. She even bullies you and you're her boyfriend- OW!"

Ned whipped around to see MJ with Battleship grasped in her hands. "Oops."

MJ raised her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders before rushing towards Peter and giving him a kiss on his frozen pink nose. Like clockwork, blooms of red appeared on Peter's cheeks. Peter caught Ned's slight smirk over MJ's shoulder and rubbed his cheeks furiously. A hand clasped onto Peter's and dragged him towards a faded red couch in the middle of the apartment. The front door slammed with a bang as Ned pushed it with a sigh.

"I cannot BELIEVE that we're about to do a Hunger Games marathon just because Peter can't say no to you MJ," Ned said, slumping down next to Peter.

"Just be glad I didn't force you to read the books," MJ retorted as she rested her legs on Peter's lap and faced the TV. "And don't you even try to connect this with our Star Wars situation because it's very different."

Ned leaned over Peter with an incredulous look on his face. "Excuse me?! How is this different exactly?"

"The difference is that The Hunger Games is a beautiful masterpiece while Star Wars is dumb and boring."

"Beautiful masterpiece," Ned mocked as he pushed Peter to come face to face with MJ. "Sure."

MJ narrowed her brown eyes, burning a hole in Ned's soul. "Leeds, I bet 10 books from Barnes & Noble that you will be bawling your eyes out."

"Pffft. You ain't getting those books Jones cause I bet a Star Wars marathon that I will not shed a single tear, and that you'll be the one bawling."

"Woah, Woah," MJ pushed herself closer to Ned, turning Peter into a living pancake. "Who said I wasn't gonna cry?"

"Okay fine, just that I won't shed a tear, deal?"

"Yes sir I believe you have a deal." MJ reached out her hand and Ned shook it stiffly. 

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