2:57 am

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Are you okay?

Did I do something?

*missed call from Peter*

*missed call from Peter*

Peter forced his finger to stop hovering over the call button and began filling a duffle bag with his pajamas and clothes for the next day. He wiped his hands on his jeans before stealing his buzzing phone from his pillow.

"Hey, Ned. What's up?"

Peter pushed himself towards his pillow and arched his knees up while holding his phone to his ear.

"Has she called yet?"

"Nope. I think we should just give her some time to figure out whatever she needs to before we blow up her phone."


They shared a minute of silence before Ned spoke again.

"So you're coming at 5:30 right?"

"Yup. I've almost finished packing."

Peter's eyes drifted to the pile of clothes that sat on the edge of his mattress. He faced his watch towards him and read the numbers 4:55.

"I'll be on my way in a few."

"Cool. How do you feel about having Thai for dinner?"

"Yeah, sure. That sounds good."

He sat upright, holding the phone down on his shoulder with his ear as he shoveled more clothes into his bag.

Suddenly, Ned's voice came blaring through the phone as he shouted, "I'm coming Ma!..... Sorry about that, I gotta go. See you in a bit."

"No problem, see you."


Across the city, MJ lay on her couch, staring at Peter's messages. The ringing sounds echoed as he called once more, MJ clicking the side of her phone, lowering down the volume. She stared as Peter's status went from 'online' to 'last seen at 4:51 pm'. After a while of scanning the words in her book, having to read the same page a few times over as she lingered on the thought of Peter's messages, she bit her lip and grabbed her phone, her index finger raising above the call button.

She had kept her distance from Peter for the rest of the day after study hall, and to be honest, she had been pretty obvious. Whenever Peter came remotely close to her on their walk home, MJ would swerve behind him and walk towards Ned. And every time Peter would ask her a question, MJ would answer as quickly as possible before returning to walking in silence with her head facing the pavement. She didn't blame Peter for acting worried.

Her finger stayed, hovering over the phone icon as she thought through her situation. She didn't want him to be worried and didn't want to burden him with her problems, so she contemplated on the thought of hanging around Peter and Ned again soon, just to see what happens or what doesn't. Who knows when the next vision could take place? It's not like this "MJ" had memories that mimick everything Peter does...right?

As MJ held her phone in her hand, her head collapsed onto the armrest of the couch and her knees straightened, one of her legs now dangling off the side of the pillows that lay below her. She faced towards the window on her right and looked out at the city. After catching sight of a blue and red blur swerving past the glass, her head jerked to the left, and her eyes glued shut, afraid that another vision would arrive. She had no idea what was going on. She hadn't experienced enough visions to come to the definite conclusion that it was just and only Peter and Spiderman who were triggering them. And it could have been just a 2-time thing. Swallowing her worries, MJ's finger finally fell onto the call button. A worried voice answered from the speaker.

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