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Peter's eyes followed the light bulb as it swung back and forth above his head. He pulled on the string of silver beads, sending rays of yellow in between the strands of his hair. As the bulb continued to sway, Peter shifted towards the window. Shades of yellow crept into the deep blue sky and clouds circled above the tall buildings. Peter closed his eyes, sinking deeper into his sheets. Numbers swirled around in his head and his fingers fiddled with his t-shirt as he tried to drift asleep.

Peter's eyes shot open and his hand snatched the phone that sat on his bedside table. His heart pounded in his chest as he tapped open his email. Small circles spun frantically, round and round, like vultures circling the sky. The marbles became a blur the longer his eyes stared, dizziness taking over. No new emails. Peter dragged his hands through his hair and threw the phone across the bed as he slumped back onto the soft pillows below his head. His legs shifted beneath the sheets and his head flipped from one side to the other as the sky began to change colour. With an aggravated sigh, Peter pulled down the blinds and trapped himself under his pillow, collapsing into the mattress. Realizing that his phone had slipped off the bed, Peter peeked out from the pillow. Should I check again? The results could have been released early, right? Just as Peter slunk back under, a white light burst from the phone. Peter hurled his pillow across the room and pushed himself towards the phone, his legs still splayed on the mattress and his tongue sticking out of his mouth. When he finally stretched far enough to grab his phone, Peter eagerly brought it to his face. His teeth released his lips and his eyes rolled to the ceiling. "Come on!"

Screaming into his pillow, Peter left his phone on the floor, displaying the words: 14 Spiderman pins you might like

Defeated, Peter closed his eyes once more, letting his senses overload with the sounds of the city blaring through his window. The wind blowing, leaves crunching, the roll of car wheels against the gravel streets, the light conversations as people walked along the sidewalk. The numbers disappeared from Peter's mind, the sounds of New York replacing them. As he followed the laughter and honking outside, Peter's senses suddenly focused on something else. Someone else. She was breathing heavily, desperately whispering under her breath, her shoes thudding against the ground. Her heartbeat was swift and pounded loudly in Peter's ears. His senses kept their focus, closing in on every breath she took, every frustrated word, every broken whisper, and the single tear that fell down her cheek.

Peter's eyebrows knitted together and his lips pursed as he listened to her. The thudding slowed as she came to a stop, probably in front of her building, and her voice filled Peter's ears. "Hi. Could you tell me which apartment-"

Peter pried his senses away from her voice and returned to the wind rolling through the city. Her voice reminded him of MJ's, and before he knew it his eyes were closed shut. Peter found himself lying on a couch, his legs resting on MJ's lap. Ned's laugh rang throughout the room as Peter webbed MJ's book out of her hands, leaving a pout on her face. It wasn't long before the three of them burst into giggles for no reason at all. Peter snorted as MJ brushed her fingers under his feet, elevating the laughter in the apartment. 

He remembered how MJ's hair cascaded down in a waterfall as she clung to his back while he crawled on the ceiling. How her face turned red and her smile grew. He remembered giving Ned one of his web-shooters and the cobweb that flew onto MJ's face. He remembered his own burst of laughter as she blew raspberries and struggled to rip the strings out of her mouth and hair. He couldn't describe a better feeling. It was one of the best days of his life. When everything was perfect. 

Suddenly, a rapid knocking snapped him back to reality. Peter rushed out of bed, barely catching himself as his blanket circled around his ankle in an attempt to trip him. Once he reached the door, Peter leaned forward to glance through the peephole. A thin crack decorated the glass. Great. Peter squinted his eyes and could scarcely see the outline of a girl anxiously waiting, her fingers tangling within each other. The knob twisted as Peter clung to it and a sliver of the corridor appeared. "H-hi. How can I-"

Before the next word could escape his mouth, he felt the girl fling her arms around his neck. Shocked, Peter stared forward at the empty corridor, reluctant to take his eyes off of the cracked beige walls. His hands were suspended in the air, contemplating whether they should pull her away from him or hug her back. A sob escaped her mouth as she buried her head deeper into Peter's shoulder and her hands intertwined behind his neck. His heart raced in his chest as he panicked. What should I do? Should I hug her back? Maybe she thought I was someone else. Should I- 


Peter knew that embrace anywhere. The way her hair tickled his cheeks, how tight she held on, the flowery scent that filled his nose...


Hi everyone!

Things just got veeerrry interesting. 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I sure did love writing it. I hope this happens soon in real life. Sorry I kept you all waiting but I didn't have any good ideas last week. Hopefully, I'll be able to publish the next chapter sooner than this one but who knows what could end up happening. 

Thank you so much for journeying with me this far and I hope you continue to read!

- Natasha

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