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A few days later...

"Come on Peter, just open it."

MJ fell backward onto Peter's bed and sighed as her hands aggressively collided with her forehead.

"For the fiftieth"

"Uuugghhh, why not?" MJ questioned as she flipped onto her stomach and slipped her right hand under her chin.

"MJ, this one email is going to determine the rest of my life. Whether I'll get a chance to go to MIT and get my life back on track or work at some random, I don't shop for the rest of my life and become worthless."

Peter dragged his hands through his hair and threw himself backwards so that his head was lying below MJ's. "Drama queen."

"I am not a drama queen."


MJ stared into his eyes with her own and just when she was about to speak, MJ noticed the colour pink creeping up Peter's cheeks. "What?"

Peter lowered his voice to a whisper. "Are we about to do the upside-down kiss?"


"Cause if we are, we have to do it properly. " Peter lifted his head and stretched his arm above his head. "Just give me a sec to hang on the ceiling-"

"Peter. Stop sidetracking." His lips turned into a pout and his head bounced back onto the mattress.

"You will never become worthless. There are hundreds of schools out there that you can go to if MIT doesn't work out. It's not your only option. But who cares about other schools when you have an amaaaaazing score on the GED."

A small smile appeared on Peter's face. "You think I got an amaaaaazing score?"

"I know it," MJ replied as she smiled back.

"I'm still not opening the email."


"Saying that won't do anything."

"I know," MJ said as she rested her chin on Peter's forehead, his eyelids falling to a close.


A few minutes passed as MJ's eyes wandered around the room, skipping around posters and photos until they spotted Peter's phone peeking out of his sweatpants pocket. Slowly and gently, MJ reached out her arm and wrapped her fingers around the phone. She pulled it towards her as she bit her lip and watched as crinkles formed between Peter's thin eyebrows.

"MJ what are you doing?"


"Then why are you suspiciously moving your hand away from my pocket?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Parker."

"MJ, give me the phone."

"What phone?"

Peter made a sudden movement, flipping around to launch himself at MJ, but she was too quick for him, jumping back on her knees and flicking her wrist. Peter heard a splat as a gooey substance trapped his ankle to the bed. Peter's eyes traveled from his phone that hid behind a row of MJ's fingers to his ankle and dropped his jaw. "You did not just-"

"I did." MJ fake-laughed and pushed herself upright with her back relaxing against the headboard whilst turning Peter's phone around in her hands. "I found it under your bed. You should really rethink where you put things."

Peter's eyes were still fixed on MJ's wrist where a black piece of steel glided up her hand, his leg thrashing as he tried to escape. "Ya well, I didn't think you'd have the audacity to even try that,"
Peter mumbled as he succumbed to the sticky webs. "So this is how it feels."

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