I Miss Them

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Weeks flew past as Peter went on with his life, going to school and patrolling the streets with the occasional robbery or attack. The shock of the past had somewhat ceased, except for the nights when the loneliness would creep up on him.

As the days dragged on, Peter would catch glimpses of MJ and Ned at school, laughing and talking with each other, even making new friends. He tried to shake off the pain but it just got worse every time he saw MJ's face light up.

One day, Peter passed MJ in the hallway at school. He felt butterflies flutter in his stomach as he peered at her, in a floral dress with a jean jacket. God she was beautiful. Peter took a sharp intake of breath and went to his locker, just a few down from hers. His shaking hands turned the lock on the metal door and as he heard the click, he threw it open. Peter watched as Ned and MJ got into a conversation about MIT and their plans for the winter break. Peter's eyes steered away and he bit his lip.

It hadn't been a great day for him. So far he had woken up to the sound of a firetruck blaring through the streets of Queens, missed the bus for school, and got mugged. Spiderman, got mugged.

Peter slammed his door shut and with his head down, sped past a laughing Ned and MJ. The day went by slowly, and after his last class made it to a close, he didn't rush to patrol the city as usual, he decided to do something else.


Peter stole to the roof of the school and sat in the breezy open air. Pulling out his homework for the day, his eyes drifted to a close.  His mind wandered to the memories of him and MJ on this very roof. They used to come up here to escape the chaos of school when everyone found out Peter was Spiderman.

MJ used to sit there, Peter reminisced, his golden-brown eyes squeezing shut as he remembered her. Feeling the wind's breeze between his fingers, Peter could feel MJ's presence beside him, her head resting on his chest, the way their hands intertwined, and warmth spreading throughout his body. He could hear the pages of her book flip and her laughter ring in his ears. He could see her rare smile and her soft brown eyes gazing up at him. He could feel her brown curls lingering between his fingers while her rosy lips pressed against his cheek, her faint voice whispering "I love you," as the sun lit up her face, painting it golden. The waterline of Peter's eyes filled with a river as he wished for those moments to return, for MJ to remember him. It had been weeks of hiding his emotions, telling himself that he's okay and that he has moved on; but he couldn't pretend anymore.

Slamming down his fist onto the cement Peter screamed, tears streaking down his face. He ran his fingers through his hair, his breathing becoming heavier. His lips quivered and his body shook with sobs as he broke down.

"I can't do this, I can't do this. I miss Ned, I miss MJ, I miss Aunt May, I miss Happy, I-."

Screaming once more, he wrapped his arms around his head and shouted at the ground,

"Why did I agree to the spell? I should have asked for people to forget Mysterio and everything he said, not me. God I'm so stupid!"

Peter's vision went blurry. He stayed with his hands locked around his legs, his head resting on his knees, shaking with sobs until the sky grew dark.


Peter pushed open the entrance to his apartment, the empty beige walls welcoming him. Puffy-eyed, his nose and cheeks red, his hair ruffled, and the collar of his shirt soaked with tears, he slumped on his mattress and looked out the window. Peter pulled out his phone and flicked through photos of him with May, MJ, Happy, and Ned, a single tear falling down his face. Staring at his shiny new suit, he wiped his tear, threw it on, and flicked his wrist. After jumping from building to building, Peter stopped in front of a window. Through the window was the faint outline of a girl, fast asleep.

Peter longingly reached out towards the glass and pressed his gloved hand on the window. He gazed at MJ, her hair draping across her face. Peter took a deep, shaky breath and spoke.

"I wish you knew me. I miss you. I hope you're doing alright, and are happy. I promise you I will find a way to make you remember me. I promise. I can do this."

Peter let out another breath before smiling sadly at the beautiful girl as she drifted into deep sleep, no worries trapped inside her head.

Peter dangled outside her window for a long time, watching MJ, promising her, and himself, that he would find a way.

Hi Everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was very sad to write but I'm very proud of it. GOSH I'M SO MAD ABOUT NO WAY HOME'S ENDINGGG! I was wondering if any of you have ideas on how Peter would help them remember?

Pls comment and feel free to ask any questions!


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