Just a Couple of Kids

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A bell tinkled as cold wind blasted through the glass door of Peter Pan Donut & Pastry Shop, the soft sound of footsteps trailing behind. Peter and MJ were welcomed inside by a wave of warmth and the smell of sweet donut glaze wafting through the kitchen. And just as MJ reached the white-marbled counter, Peter's shoes slipped on the tile floor, causing him to fall forward.

MJ held back a laugh as she held Peter by his torso, trying to pull him upright. "I hate this. I hate everything."

Peter lay lifeless in MJ's arms as she laughed and pulled him up. "See? I told you. Drama queen."

"You don't know how embarrassing it is to hide my abilities at times like this. It just makes me look stupid."

"Well, I for one love it when it happens. Cause I get to look like a hero. And will you stop moping and get up? You're making yourself look insane."

"Maybe I am. Haven't you heard? I don't exist."

"Shut up and get up Peter. You're not nonexistent."

"Tell that to my nonexistent birth certificate," Peter mumbled before pushing himself into a standing position. "It's fine I guess. At least I exist to you."

"Awwww, so sweet," MJ said as she pinched Peter's cheek and walked behind the counter.
Peter rubbed his cheek which was turning light pink and heaved himself onto a stool.


Staring at MJ as she worked, Peter smiled and swung his legs, only to hit his toe on the counter. "Ugh. God."

"You okay?" MJ asked in concern as she sat down next to him, brushing a stand of hair out of Peter's face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Is your shift over?"

"Almost," MJ sighed while swerving around on her stool. "I just have to clean up and I'll be finished." She left her seat to swing the sign on the teal-framed door from "open" to "closed" just as Peter asked if he could help with anything.

"Sure." MJ's shoulders shrugged at the request and her eyes scanned the shop. "Ummm. You can do the mopping I guess. The mop is just under the counter, where the cashier machine is."

"Ok," Peter replied as he followed MJ's directions.

It had been a few minutes of wiping counters and mopping tiled floors when Peter swiped the wet pieces of cloth on the last dry spot of the donut shop. He dropped the mop into the dirty water with a splash and carted the bucket away, peering at the kitchen as he passed.

While Peter stared at the bowls of dough and the machinery that was splayed out in the kitchen, MJ moved over to the coffee machine with a rag in her hand and soaked up all of the spilled coffee that trailed across the marble surface. And after looking behind her shoulder, MJ turned to the selection of donut toppings beside her and dipped a finger into the rainbow sprinkles.

"I saw that."

"Oh no, you caught me," MJ said, sarcasm lacing her voice.

Peter slid past the array of donuts laid out on shelves to get to MJ, his eyebrows knitted together. "You have some sprinkles on your lips," he said pointing.

MJ looked down at her nose before she realized what Peter was getting at. Powdered sugar coated her nose in an instant, a laugh ringing in MJ's ears as she sneezed. "Parker you asshole!"
MJ glazed her fingers with cocoa powder and flicked it into Peter's hair as he ducked under the cashier. "Nononononononono, not the haiiiirrr."

Peter surrendered with his hands raised in the air, his legs pushing him up into a standing position. "I surrender. But for the record, I don't think it was fair that my hair got ruined just cause a little sugar got on your nose."

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