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When Peter lay in his bed that night, pools of thoughts swirled around in his mind. Although his eyes were shut, he could still hear the bustling sounds of Queens below him and could feel the cold winter air caress his skin through the cracks of the windows.

Peter's hands were resting behind his head, the front of his body facing the low ceiling. A smile played on his lips as he rewinded time and reminisced the events of earlier today. Even though his friends would never remember the past and all they had been through together, at least they could create new memories that this time, would last forever. A single tear escaped Peter's right eye and fell down his cheek, dripping down his neck to finally salt the top of his t-shirt. He wasn't sure if it was the pure happiness of today or the realization that he had to leave the past behind that caused this motion, but at least the sinking loneliness he used to feel was slowly disappearing. He felt as if part of his heart had been pieced back together; as if at least for that moment, a warmth surged in his chest. And with one last image of MJ's sleeping face with her hair falling down the arm of the couch being projected into his mind, Peter drifted off into the first deep, restful, carefree sleep he had experienced in weeks.


It had been almost a month since MJ had been staring at the first message Peter Parker had sent her.

It had been almost a month of hanging around after school, waiting for her two dorks to meet her outside the gates of Midtown High before going on their daily walk to the ice cream parlor across the street. It had been almost a month of movie marathons, Truth or Dare (although, they stopped playing that game when Ned dared MJ to kiss Peter which ended with MJ shoving Ned against the wall and an embarrassed Peter running out the door), Pictionary (MJ always won. She was the best artist and could somehow always decrypt the scribbles that Peter and Ned drew), Karaoke (Peter was surprisingly good at it, Ned was always offbeat, and MJ sat to the side clapping and constantly dying of laughter watching the two of them try to sing duets), cooking meals together (they would always blow up the entire kitchen just to end up ordering out), late-night conversations, and walks till dawn around the neighborhood. It had been almost a month of swerving stupid questions from Ned about her feelings towards Peter. It had been almost a month of hiding those feelings.


MJ sat in her bed with her head leaning against the window which was streaked with raindrops. MJ loved rainy days. It was a good excuse to hibernate in her room while watching movies and reading books all day with no human interaction. She listened to the soft sounds of splashing and tapping as she flipped the last page of the book in her hands. Her eyes followed a small raindrop as it slid down her window as if it was in a race, trying to reach the bottom of the glass before any of the other droplets. MJ decided to take a break before starting the first of many films to be watched that day. Lifting herself out the tangle of blankets she nested on, MJ reached out her hand to her bedside table and grabbed hold of her sketchbook. She opened the book to reveal a drawing of the view outside her window, alongside a small sketch of her mom sleeping on the sofa. As she flicked through her drawings, MJ found that many of them were recreations of the best moments she had with Ned and Peter. MJ picked some tape off her shelf and stuck the drawings above the backboard of her bed before sneaking into the kitchen for some popcorn. To MJ's surprise, a basket was placed on the kitchen table with a small note tucked into the weave.

Hi MJ,

We hope you're enjoying your rainy day. Here's some stuff we thought you might enjoy!

Don't have too much fun without us ;)

♥️ Ned & Peter

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