As It Was

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Peter placed his hands on her back and held her close as she sobbed into his shoulder. His eyes followed the curls of her hair intertwine and fall down her shoulders, his voice trapped in his throat.

"You promised Peter, p-promised," MJ whispered.  "Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't-." She grew silent, sniffling behind Peter's neck, and took a small breath. "You"

She stared down at Peter's shoulder, watching as her tears swam down her cheeks and soaked his shirt. Raising her head, MJ set her chin on Peter and looked around the room. A single bed sat in front of a cracked wall and next to two small windows, the only light suspended by metal beads, hovering over a pillow. Her eyes and nose burned as she stared at the lonely room. He was all alone. More tears stained her face and the betrayal, the need to shout and scream disappeared.

She wouldn't shout at him. She wouldn't scream for an answer. MJ knew Peter. She knew why he never told her. When he left her on that statue those many months ago, she knew he wouldn't come back for her. He was too selfless for that.

Standing there, her arms around him, she couldn't care less about how he never said anything. She was there for him as much as she was for herself. 

"I'm so s- sorry, P-Peter."

MJ's eyes lingered on the bed across the room, at the GED book splayed out under the bed frame, and tangled her fingers in Peter's shirt. "You don't d-deserve th-this. May should b-be here, you should have graduated with us, you should exist."

Peter was paralyzed. "May should b-be should exist."

His lips parted and his eyebrows relaxed. "Wha-what did you say?" 

MJ looked up at his eyes as his hands reached up the side of her arms. "How do you know May? And what do you mean I should exist?"

"How-how do," Peter muttered under his breath, trying to shove the sliver of hope that she could possibly remember him away. 


"Peter, I know May and that you disappeared because....because I remember you."

Her sad eyes crinkled as her lips smiled and her shoulders rose. 

And without thinking Peter wrapped his arms around MJ's waist, gripping onto her t-shirt. And in a tiny whisper, Peter asked, "Y-you rem-"

"Mhmm." A small laugh escaped her lips as she pulled Peter closer to her, feeling his head collapse into her neck.  Peter's lips trembled and his body shook as MJ's fingers brushed through his hair. Peter relaxed in her arms, smiling wistfully. 

"Is-is this real?" Peter asked as her fingers traced his head, lighting a fire in Peter's chest.

"Peter." MJ gathered his face in her hands, lifting his brown eyes to hers.

It was as if Peter was looking at a painting; beautiful shades of chocolate and honey swirled in her iris', and black ink formed her pupils, the outline of the calm sea washing over her lower eyelashes.

"This is real. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I p-promise."  MJ's cheeks lifted slightly and her lips smiled through the tears that dripped down the swells of her mouth. 

But as euphoria filled her appearance, Peter's face sank. 



"Yes, Peter?"

"I- I don't want to lose you again." Peter sobbed, his chest heaving as water returned to his bloodshot eyes. MJ painted circles around his back, whispering to him, "You won't."

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