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MJ could feel the fluttering sensation in her chest fade as the faint image of golden runes spun in her head. She could feel Spiderman's hand on the small of her back when she finally felt like herself again. He helped her into her room, both of them soaked from the rain. MJ's boots stepped onto the wooden floor, and she heard a voice speak.

"What did you think?"

Spiderman's face was tilted to the side as he spoke, making MJ smile.

"It was a.....surreal, experience."

She could see his eyes raise on his mask so she continued. "It was fun. But I will NEVER be doing it again." She held her hair above her head in a bundle to avoid soaking the carpet below her. A laugh escaped the red mask outside the glass.

"Well, I've gotta go patrol. This was fun. I'll see you around...."

His eyes searched her for a moment and MJ realized what he was trying to figure out.

"MJ. And thanks."

"Anytime! MJ."

He gave her a smile before flipping below the window. MJ's fingers curled around the ledge as she dangled her head out into the open air, watching Spiderman swing away. Her hair was encased in the rain when she pushed her head out further, just enough to see the blue and red blur fade into the depths of the city.


After MJ washed up, she fell onto her mattress, still shocked at what she had seen and felt when her head went all fuzzy during the freefall.

Maybe it was just nerves? How could I remember something so vividly but not...remember it?

MJ replayed how a bright shining light blinded her thoughts, and how golden signs swirled and spun around in her brain before pulling her into a vision. She remembered how her body felt like it was being controlled by someone else, how she couldn't control anything she was doing, how it felt so..real. Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips pursed when she remembered the blurred-out face on the billboards and screens of Times Square. Why were they blurred? Why did her vision end before she could catch a glimpse of Spiderman's real face?

MJ's mind was plagued with thoughts and worries as she lay on the soft blankets that were draped across her bed. But one question that she dwelled on the most was, why did this happen?


Peter took a quick look around the street before he stuck a web to his window and tugged it open. The glass squeaked when he slipped inside, slowly sliding the window closed with his gloved hand attached to the glass. Shutting the blinds and lifting a hand to his neck, Peter ripped off his mask. With his hair disheveled from the suit, he made his way to the lonely bed which was pushed against a wall full of MJ's drawings and treasured photographs. A smile was plastered on Peter's face the entire time he got ready for bed, and as he packed his backpack for the next day of school. Being able to be with MJ as Spiderman again felt thrilling. He realized that it was that it would be dangerous if he got too close with MJ as Spiderman, but seeing her in awe as well as frightened, even if it only lasted for those few minutes, made him feel happy.


Peter's fingers combed through his hair as he covered himself with a blanket and stared through the window at the bright city lights.

A few blocks away, MJ's head rested at the foot of her bed. She turned to her side and looked out the window at the twinkling lights that decorated the buildings and streets of the city.

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