Chapter 23

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needs?,needs?,needs?,needs?,needs?, FUCKING NEEDS?! WHAT IS
god if i could i would have definatly ripped his head off if i could but we
were in school and im pretty sure that the sluts would come after me and
try to rip my head off cause there presious toy was gone.
After the incident i had with the nut job in class i went staright to my
locker and skipped class, i coudnt look at that guy in the eye anymore he
broke my heart. He never really liked you anyway! What did u except a
hot guy that has an 8th pack and hard ass muscles to like a normal
geek girl?.The voice at the end of my head said but i guess it was right he
is a palyer after all. I should never trust player anyway.
When i got to my locker the halls were pretty much empty except for the
students who either have a free preiod or are skipping class. I opened my
locker and dumped all of my books in it mumbling some curses and how
stupid Nick is. I slammed my locker so loud that the others beside me
shook at the sound. A chuckle from beside me made me scream and jump
away form the person that i didnt even know that was there.There stood
Alex in all his glory. He wore blue washed jeans with a red t-shirt that
hugged all his muscles and u can actually see the out line of an 8th pack
and maroon chucks. I swear if you didnt know that he was in gang he
would look like a normal teenage jock boy. "Are you done drooling?" A
husky voice said. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Cocky much?
"You wish"i said and walked past him. I hated him ,he too knew that my
dad was alive during this shit! Ugh i hate human beings....even though i
am one. Have you ever thought how would it be to be an alien?Anway
where were we?...Right Nick, He is a prick thats all im saying.I felt a hand
on my upper arm and tugged me back. I looked at the douchebag himself
and crossed my arms over my chest and lifted up an eyeberow as if
saying 'What-the-fuck-do-you-want-' look.
"Whats wrong sweetheart?"He said with a smirk on his lips and crossed
his amrs over his chest and that made his arms muscles puff out. I looked
at that them and swallowed.Damn. I loooked back at his green eyes and
stared at him. "Did Nicky-poo made you upset,cause if thats whats wrong
which it is since you couldnt stop complaing about him under your
breath. What did he do this time? Ignored you? Called you a bitch? Or
did he kiss another girl infront of you right after the kiss you guys had on
your roof?"He said.I think i could hear a tint of jelousy in his voice at the
last question ,but then agian it might be my imagination.How did he see
us? Is he stalking me?. I looked at him shocked and the smirk he had on
his face just grew. ''Awe dont worry i could make that kiss better
and...hotter if you want? Cause that would be amazing right now since
the leggins that you are wearing make that ass look....yummy and big and
i just want to squezze it."He said while looking at my ass and biting his
lip. I looked at with my mouth so wide open that im pretty sure it hit the
floor. He brought his eyes back to mine and in flash the space between us
was closed by his body close to mine. His face inches from mine "And i
would close that mouth of yours unless you want me to do something
that would make us both go wild and would make us go somewhere
else....if you know what i mean?"He whispered and during all of that his
lips brushed agianst mine. I felt two fingers go under my chin and gently
bringing my chin upwards as in to close my mouth.
I looked at his green eyes and now that we are so close i could see that he
had rays of brown shooting out from his pupil and a bit of gold mixed
together. What are you doing he is another player just like Nick! Dont
fall for him aswell for Christs Sake! Hey do me a favour and PISS OFF! I
screamed at the little voice in my head. I looked back at Alex and i
couldnt help but lean in. He started leaning in aswell. I felt his right hand
go on my waist and his left hand went to the right side of my cheek and
tugged it a bit. We were now milimeters apart and he looked into my
hazel eyes and then my lips for a second and looked back at my eyes. He
closed the space between us and crashed his lips on to mine. He started
moving them and i started moving mine in synic. WHAT THE FUCK
The voice in my head was screaming and i knew that she was right.This
was so wrong i need to stop before shit happens. I quickly pulled away
breathless from the amazing kiss. I Touched my lip and they were
swollen and im pretty sure red. I looked back at Alex and i saw him look
at me with confusion and i could actually see the hurt in his eyes but as
quickly as it came it went. "This is wrong"i whispered and tried to run
past him but his arm went around my waist and pulled me back. I tried to
tug at his arm "LET GO"I screamed. " What we did was wrong. That
shouldnt have happened!"I tried saying. I felt my back hit the lockers
behind me and Alex hovered over my 5,8 with his what? Like 6,2?.
"How the fuck is this wrong Leila?"He growled his mouth near my ear
"That bastard sucked off a sluts face right after he kissed you! Thats
wrong! What we are doing is something normal. We are both attracted to
eachother even if its even the slightest"He groweld next to my ear.
"Im not attracted to you what so ever" I said and tried to push him off but
he was like made of steel. He chuckled next to me ear and i felt the
rumble of his chest on mine. He was breathing near my ear making me
hold back a moan. I was obviously lying i did feel a little attracted to him
but i wont show him the effect he has on me.
"Are you sure sweetheart cause .....your body gives away alot of signs
which are the oppsite of what you said."He whispered in my ear. I gasped
as i felt his hand going down my thigh and going up. That gesture made
me all hot. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. "See sweetheart....i can feel the
heat of your body right under mine...."He whispered and bit my earlobe. I
couldnt hold back the moan that came out. His hand curled to the inside
of my thigh. His other hand was at the back of my neck making
imaginary circles with his index finger. "See sweetheart you are, cause if
you werent you would have stopped me and thats all you have to say to
stop me....just say no...."He whispered his breath hitting against the back
of my neck. I shivered and tried to make words.
"Alex...."I said but no words came out after that. UGH LEILA NO!
ACTUALLY NO ITS BODY! BODY STOP NOW!. I yelled inside of my head
but i couldnt stop the results that my body gave to him. Hey! Im still a
teenager and im in a very horomanal stage in my life so dont blame me.
His hand that was around the back of my neck slid down my back until it
hit the small of my back and pushed me forward. He started to kiss my
ear then went to my neck. His hand that was on the inside of thigh startes
to rub it up and down and well that got my um .....Tinker Bell down there
all hot and bothered "Thats right sweetheart you feel attracted
to me so much that you cant say no to me when i make you feel"He whispered. He went back to my neck and started to leave wet
kisses and then he got my soft spot and started to suck on it and bitting it.
I closed my eyes and bit my lip. I have to stop this NOW!. Right on point
the bell went off and i quickly pushed him off and took a big breath
before looking at him. Everyone was getting out of there classes to go to
their next. I looked to the ground beside me and noticed that my bag was
on the floor. Huh it must of fell when i was having that heated session
bag form the gorund and ran towrads the exit of the school. I pushed past
Alex before he could catch me and pushed past the people in the hallway.
I got to the door and ran to my car.
When i got there i was breathing a bit hard and i leaned against my car
and closed my eyes to catch some rest. Im a fucking slut. Great just
fucking great. I shook my head and opened my car door with my key and
got inside. I threw my bag to the back and rested my head against my the
steering wheel. Why must my life suck! Just why! With so much rage a
lifted my head of the steering wheel and punched and imdiatley the horn
went off and that scared the shit out of me. What the hell do i do now?
Hummm lets pay daddy dearst a visit shall we?
I parked my car outside the wherehouse and stepped out. I pulled out my
phone from my purse and put it in the waisband of my leggins.....i dont
have pockets plus i aint going to bring purse inside a fucking house with
thiefs. I locked my car and started to walk to the front entrance. I
knocked on the door and waited. Nothing. Ugh. I went to the back and
saw a window about my height opened. I peeked through it and nothing.
I looked at the window and it was rectangel kind of shape and it was
opened from the top. I noticed i can fit throught it. I jumped on top of
these boxs beside the window and put my leg through it and then i put
my other leg through it and bent both of my knees and lowered my upper
half of my body and went through. I looked around and noticed i was in
some type of look like kitchen. It had drawers and a cooker that looked
like it wasent used in years. I started to walk around and went through a
door and it was the Ring. No one was there. I walked up to the ring and
looked up. Its damn huge. I went around and saw stairs going directly up
to the Ring. I went up them and went over the rope. I looked around.
Damn you can see anything. I noticed that this was too easy. To easy to
get in and going through rooms...something was off. In the coner of my
eye i saw someone going up towards me silently. I waited until it was
close to get me but instead i ducked and spun around and stuck my leg
out and hit his ankles. He fell to the ground i quickly got up and put my
foot on the guys chest. I saw the same guy who attacked me from last
time underneath me. "Really? Not you again" i said and took my foot off
him and turned around and started to walk to the other steps beside the
"What? Your just going to go girly? You afraid"He snickered and got up. I
turned around and lifted up one eyebrow. And put my hands on my hips.
"If i clearly rememeber i was the one who kicked your fucking ass and
stuck an apple in your mouth"I said and turned around again and went
over the rope and went down the stairs "Anyway i didnt come for you i
came here for my father and my uncel and the other guy" I said and
turned around. He was still in the Ring looking at me weirdly. "Hello?
Dude you ok?"I said and waved my hand. He shook his head and went
over the rope and down the stairs. He went to the stairs which where i
clearly remebered when i was attacked. He stopped and looked back at
me and nodded his head as if to say to come. I folllowed silently behind
him. We went up the stairs and turned to the right. There was noise
coming from a door that was at the far end of the hallway. It was dark as
hell but the lights on the ceiling brightend up the place. We stopped at
the door and he opend it and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit me at
full force. We stepped inside and the room was basically the size of the
Ring room. Men were ither sitting down or were standing. Men were
laughing or some were talking normally but what caught my attention
was the people in the middle of the room. There was a couch in the
middle of the room and there was my dad,uncle and another guy they
were all dressed in nice suits and were smokimg im guessing from the
danger raidiating of them and the fact that they like 4 men around them
as bodygaurds they were important people but also dangerous. Across
from them was a man dressed in a nice suit aswell but this on had a
women/slut on his lap that wasnt even paying attention to him but to the
men infront of her but my dad,uncle or the other man didnt seem
intrested in her, their gaze was towrads the man. The women was
basically wearing nothing. She had on a booty shorts that loked like
fucking thongs to me and a a tank top that looks like a bra and on her
shoes were possabily the biggets heels i have ever seen on a woman.She
was basically seeking for the mens attention. "Stay" Commanded the guy
infront of me.
If this guy thinks he just going to leave me here alone with all these men
he must take his head out of his ass now. "Fuck no you carzy! Im coming
with you" I said to him. He turned to me and glared.
He pointed to the middle of the room and looked at me with a really
mean glare "Can you not fucking see that they have a guest"He growled.
"And can you not fucking see that i dont give two flying shits" I said and
crossed my arms over my chest and glared back. We stayed like that
staring at eachother niether of us wants to give in. You know i hate this
staring shit ,fuck it. "Can you fucking take me over there?"His eyes looked
amused for a second but it went just as i saw it.
"How many fucking times that i have to tell you that they have a guest
over!"He growled. His eyes shows annoyance. Im starting to hate this guy
I glared at him even more. I started to walk slowly towrads him with a
finger at his chest "And how many times do i have to say that I DONT
SOMEONE WILL GET FUCKING HURT!"I yelled at him. At this point he
was up against the wall looking at me with wide eyes. "Are we clear?" i
said. He quickly nodded and i backed away. I looked back up and i
noticed that everything was quite. Everyone was looking at me, some with
curious stares some with amusment in their eyes and some...afraid. I
looked to the middle and saw my dad looking at me shocked the same
goes with my uncle and the other man looked amused. I turn my gaze
towards the man on the oppsite side of them and saw him looking at me
with amusment and slightly shocked. I turn around and blushed madly. I
cant beleive they heard all of that.Isaid the only thing that i thought of
"Um.....whats up?"
Hi guys sorry for not posting in a longlong long
x10000000 time but i had stuff going on. Anyway hope
you enjoyed this chapter and what did you think about
Alex and Leilas heated moment? Leave your
comments and please vote see you guys next time.
Bye love yous.😘😘😘😘

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