Chapter 8

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Its been a few days since the race and the little 'revenge'.They didnt even came to school for three days.Ha little pusses afraid of a gril???. I was making my way to the car when i remeberd i forgot my biology book in my locker. I sighed and turned around and walked to my locker. The school was completly empty not even a fly. I got to my locker and took my biology book out and put it in my bag. I was walking to my car when i heard voices. I followed the voices and when they became more clearer i was in the alley between a coffe shop and the main building of the school.People say that it was dangerous to go in here but what do i do i WALK!!. I got near to the voices that were coming from the end of the alley. I hid behind a dumpster and leaned forward to see who is there. I noticed there was at least twenty good looking and may i say muscular men. They were all smoking but one of them caught my eye.


''what did boss say about the situation with the other gang?´´a guy that looked like he was in his early twentys. He had shaggy blond hair that looked like he just came out of bed. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a black hoodie with the hood up.

''He wasen´t happy thats for sure but he said they would plan something together´´ Nick finishes and brings the ciggarrte to his lips.Wait who is the 'boss´ i thought that Nick was the leader and what other gang.I thought.

''Good cause i am so fucking tired of that gang and all i want to do is blow their fucking heads off ´´Tyler said through gritted teeth.He picked up a can that was on the ground near his feet and took a sip. All of them agreed. The next few minutes it was all silence it was like everyone was in their own world.

''Lets go before we get in shit with the school´´Nick muttered and droped his ciggarrets and stomoped on it. They all did the same and started walking in my direction.I started panicking,Shit shit shit SHIT!!! WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING --wait i know. I looked through my bag until i found my life saviour. A coin. I kissd the coin for good luck and rolled the coin in their direction. They all stopped in their tracks and watched the coin. The coin rolled passed them and they all turned around and watched. This is my chance.I got up and started running in the dirction of the car park. I heard footsteps behind

me.I put my hood up and started running faster. "Come here you bitch " which i am guessing was Nick shouting. I ran to the the parking lot and hid behind a Mustang 2013. I was breathing heavly.Oh god i am going to get killed!! ,Ok calm down he is not going to kill --. "You better come out from where you are you bitch NOW cause if you dont we will kill you."

Oh God thats it i had a lovely life say thanks to my mom and dad for giving me birth and thanks to Miss Kamber for not being angry to me when i told her that i gave her cat alchol. I am really --

Wait what am i doing i am not going to give up,Noway Jose, I do not give up. And i will never give UP.

Now what am i going to do!!!

Hope you guys liked it. Sorry for not publishing earlier but i had school and then pack.Anyway hope you guys liked it and what do you guys think whats Leila going to do ???

Ps:Vote and coment

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