Chapter 10

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Im in love with geek the freak the girl that never wins,so what so what,Im in love with wierd the wild the rip jeans-.I flung my arm across the alarm clock and stopped the song 'She's all that' by hollywood ending (I know i am obbesed with them) and groand. Its been a week since the incident with Blake and his gang and they didnt came to school too but looks like the teachers werent suprised at all when they missed the whole week. I litteraly crawled to the bathroom and turned on the shower.I stripped my clothes and got in the tub.I just stood there under the water and thinking about what was going to need in life then an idea got into my head.


Thats what i need.I rubbed shampoo on my hair and scrubed the body wash on my body and then put on conditioner. I got out of the shower and went into my closet. I chose to were light blue skinny jeans that were ripped on the knee and a spaghetti laced crop top that showed my belly button piercing.I quickly put those on and grabbed my bag and my ipod and took out the plug of my ihome that was connected to my phone.I ran downstairs and saw my mom and brother sitting on the tabel. "Good morning mom and little bro" I chippered and sat down at the table. My mom and brother looked at eachother with curious eyes and mumbled a quick hello. "So mom i was thinking about getting a job and i saw a sign in the coffe shop near by saying they have an availabel spot as a waitress there and me being me i want that job.So what do you think" I said, after that speach my brother looked at like i was crazy he was giving me the look that said 'why-the-hell-do-you-need-a-job-when-we-are-rich' yeah that kind of look. I looked over to my mom to see her amused.

"Now why do you want a job sweetie?" she asked and took a sip from her coffe and looked at me with curious eyes.

"Because i dont want to go up to you every time and ask if i can have money to go out with my friends or go to a club. I want to have my own money i want to feel like i owned this money."I muttered. I looked up to see my mom grinning like an idiot and i swear i saw a tear escape one her eyes.She got up and came to me and hugged me.What the hell what did i do?.I thought. "My baby girl is growing up" my mom sniffed.We kept hugging and i litteraly had to back away or either we would be still hugging all day. "Ok mom thats enough and does that mean i can go?" i asked hopefuly. She took a step back and noded.

"Yay" i yealled and hugged my mom. I pulled away and ran upstairs and brushed my teeth. I ran downstairs

and put on black combat boots and and my bag. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar and litteraly pulled my brother out the door. "BYE MOM LOVE YOU" i yellled and closed the door and ran to my car and got in."Why are we going to school early? we still have thirty minutes" my brother said and put on his seatbelt.I started the engine and backed away from the driveway."Because i want to go to the coffe shop and get the job"I stated.For the rest of the drive we were in a comfertable silence. When we got to the coffe shop."You stay here this wont last long" ii said and he only nodded and got back to his psp.I got out of the car and shut that door. I opened the door of the coffe shop and went staright to the counter where a girl in about her early twenties. She was wearing and really,and when i say really i mean really,short skirt that you van see her ass. A top that pushed her boobs out even more then it was already. the only word that went through mind,slut.I walked over to her and stood in front of her but she was to busy to even notice me because of the magazine in her hand. I coughed to take her attenion from the magazine and look at me. She slowlely brought down her magazine and looked at me waiting for me to say something "Um hey i saw the sign at the door saying that you guys need a waitress and i was wondering if i could get the job"I say in my sweetest voice. She looked me up and down and nodded her head to a door at the far end of the coffe shop and notcied it had the words manager on it.I walked slowley to the door and knocked on it softely. I heard a quick 'come in´and alot of shuffling.I opened the dooor to reavel a man that looked like he was in his 40ties. There were alot of papers all over the desk. He looked up at me the second he knew I was in. "How can I help you young lady" He asked and folded his arms over his chest.

"Um i saw the sign outside your window saying that you guys need a waitress and i was hoping that spot was still clear"I said. The minute he heard the waitress part his eyes filled with happiness and started shaking his head like psycho.

"Yes, yes it is still open wait a sec..."He started going through the massive papers on his desk. I waited a few minutes until he finded what he wanted. "Aha here it you just need to feel this out and when your done just sign your name at the bottom"He pointed to all the places I nedded to fill in with a pen. I started filling in the usual stuff you know name,age blah blah blah.When i was done i handed him the sheet back. He took a quick look over itvand nodded his head."Ok Leila you will start today after you finish your school and the days you work here are.Tuesday,Wensdays,Fridays and Sundays and i will pay you 5:67$ an hour ok?"He asked he looke up from the sheet and i just nodded my head."Good now i have alot of paper work as you can see and i really should start going over these things"He chuckled.

I also chuckled and said a quick bye before I left. I opened the door that leads outside and went straight to my car. I opened my car door and got in. "So how did it go?"Kevin asked without looking up from his psp.ugh kids these days.

"It was fine i got the job"I said with a smile.He just nodded his head and started playing with his psp I shook my head and started the car.

After I dropped Kevin off i drove to my lovely school.please note the sarcasm.I parked my car in the first spot i see and got out.Nearly nobody is outside and dont start saying I am late beacause i am not I still have a good few 15 minutes. I went inside the school and went staright to my locker.When i got there i noticed that the corridors were pretty empty then started hearing shouts comming from the cafeteria. I slowly walked over to the doors and shouts became more clearer."FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT." I opened the cafeteria doors and there was a huge circle around two people. I slowly walked over to the circle. I squeezed in through people to see what was happening.I got to the front and couldn't believe my eyes.You know when I saw two people fighting yeah well there is way more at least 16 people were fighting. They broke away for a few seconds and noticed it was Nick and his gang fighting another gang. You may wanna know how I know they areva gang is beacuse of the tattoos of the other boys have.Every one of them had 2 black strips one thin and the other one thick.But there was thing amusing all of the girls and me and that was they were all HOT not as hot as Nick but still hot.Then the doors of the Cafeteria flung open and in walled in our principal and some security guards.They squished past the people and got in the middle of the fight.The 2 security guards separated the group gangs into each side."WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?" He shouted.Everyone quickly goes quite.There was 8 on each side.When nobody answered he quickly shouted everyone to go to class everyone quickly got out of the cafeteria with me following behind.

Now why the hell is there another gang in our school?

So here is the chapter you guys wanted and i am so sorry I didnt update in a very long time.And i love your comments guys!

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