Chapter 4

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Me and Chelsea are now walking out of school.I learned alot about Chelsea, I know that she only lives with her mom her dad left her mom a few years ago. Her favourite colour is blue because of the sea she loves the sea.Her favourite sport is basketball and her favorite animal is the horse,In this school she is known as the nerd because of her straight A student . We stoped at the entrance of the school it was 3:25 and everyone is leaving "Hey do you want a lift?" i asked and took out my car keys

"Oh no thats ok my mom is picking me up at the diner across the street" she said and I could see her cheeks turning up read.

"Are you sure I dont mind" I persuade. I went through my bag and got my phone out. I might as well give her my number since she is my Best friend.

"No its ok I have to go to my grannys after this thats why my mom is picking me up" she explained.Her grandmother is in a center that takes care of old people like her so Chelsea vists her once and a while.

"Ok here give me your phone and I will put my number" I said.She went through her bag and took out her phone and passed it to me I gave mine to hers. When I was finished I gave her back her phone and she gave mine we said our goodbyes and walked away. As I was putting my phone back in my bag I noticed that I forgot my history book in my locker "shit" I muttered. I jogged quickly to my locker and took out my history book. As I was walking back I could feel presence behind me but when I looked behind me no one was there. I started walking quickly and I could here footsteps behind me.I pretended I didnt hear them and continued walking. I rounded a corner and walked into a random room and closed it behind me. I took a peek out of the window and noticed it was Nick and his gang.Shit they are going to kill me here now. shit,shit,shit ok ok calm down just wait here until they go....yeah that sounds like a plan.I took a peek again from the window and they weren't there. I unlocked the door and stepped outside.Nothing. I started walking when I heard footsteps behind me. I quickened up my walking and started walking up stairs. I looked back and saw them following. I ran as fast as I can. I could hear them right behind me. When I was upstairs I turned left without even thinking where I was going, and ran up to a door and opened and got in and locked it. "Open the fucking door" That was probably Nick since I reconized his voice from history "Not even a chance in hell" I shouted back.A few minutes went by and then the banning stopped. I went through the window and noticed they weren't there. I blew a sigh of relief at the same time another door that was inside the classroom that i didnt even noticed it was there opened. I looked up and saw Nick and his gang there. I ran quickly to the main door and unlocked and as I was about to run I hit something hard really hard. I stumbled back but didnt fall. I looked up and see it was Damon smirking at me. God they are smart. I looked behind me and noticed that Nick and his gang were coming towards me. I quickly went to the back row of the classroom. The gang came the same and the only thing separating us is the table and the chairs "Well well if it isn't the new girl" Nick says.The others chuckle.

"What do you want Nick?" i asked and tryed to keep my voice confident. They all took a step forward and i took a step back.

"Revenge for not getting out of my seat when I said to" he says simply and crosses his arms across his chest.

"What cant handle a little talk back" I said and crossed my arms over my chest.Shocked covered all of their faces but it was quickly covered by a smirk.

"Há yeah right we want revenge" Kyle said and looked at me up and down biting down on his lip. I rolled my eyes at him as an idea came into my head.

"So what are you guys--Mr Collins what are you doing here?!?!" I faked shocked. Mr Collins is our principal so thats why I chose him for my escape.They all turned around and that was my escape of getting out. I went out of the secret door and noticed I was in another classroom. I ran quickly to the main door and opened "COME HERE!!!" Tyler shouted. I could here footsteps behind me and u quickly ran out of the classroom and ran for the stairs. "You are not getting away with this" Nick shouted. I ran downstairs and made a left to the girls bathroom. When I got to the bathroom it was locked!!! seriously the classrooms arent locked but the bathroom is yeah like a robber would like to rob PADS!!!! AND TAMPONS!!! idiots.I hid behind a wall that lead us to the main entrance. I an breathing quickly. I looked back and see that all of them are in the main entrance looking at something "Her car is still here so she is here.You guys will look for her upstairs while I looks for her here" he finished and I hear a chorus of yes. I hear footsteps going upstairs. I looked behind me and saw Nick walking the other way I quickly made a run for it. I was almost at the entrance when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and a hand going over my mouth. The person that was behind me started to walk with me in its arms. I tried shouting but only muffeled sounds came out. We walked into a room which I am guessing its the generators closet and the person behind me closed it and locket it. When I was free I turn around to see a smirking Nick "And you thought you could runaway" he chuckled.

"WHAT THE FUCK NICK WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM??" i shouted. Then Nick pushed me against the wall and towered infront of me and put both of his hands on the side of my head. I could feel his abs on my stomach and danm they feel good.

"My problem is that you,princess, didnt obey my orders" He whispered into my ear that sent shivers into my back.

"Well I dont take orders" I said and tried pushing him back but its like moving a brick wall.He laughed and looked at me.His hazel eyes burning into mine.He licks his lips and his gaze followed down to mibe but then it came to my eyes.

"Trying to play hard to get huh?" he asked and laughed.l looked at him but then my eyes travelled down from his eyes to his nose and then it stops at his lips.Those pink lips that look---

No no no no stop dont go there specially not with him.

I look back at his eyes and rolled my eyes "No I am playing 'Trying hard to get away from Nick Black'"I said and tried to push him away but it didnt work.He laughed ah his laugh is like music to my ears.


"See there you go again but dont worry I love girls that play hard to get" he whispered in my ear and started nibbling on my ear. A little gasp came out of me as he started nibbling.It feels soo good I just want to stay like this forever but I cant let him win this. I push him back but only for him to move his head so now he was.starring at me with a smirk.

"I am not playing hard to get I am playing get the hell away from Nick Black have you heard of it before?" i asked. I tried pushing him away but again it didn't work.What the hell is he made out of? I askes my self.But pushing him away only makes him pushing me into the wall more and his body is leaning on me.

"I know you want me Leila. You want me soo bad  and I know it because every girl wants me" He whispered into my lips.Its true though I want to kiss him so bad now but I cant.

"I dont want you and I am not every other girl" i lied and tried to get out of his grip but that only makes him lean closer.

"You wont be saying that in a few days Leila you will be screaming my name and begging for more" he whispered into my era and started nibbling on it.

"Yes I will and I will never be one of your toys" i spat.

"We will see about that" He whispered and with that he walked out of the room.

I came home around 3:50 my mom was cooking while my brother was watching TV.We quickly said our hellos and went back to the stuff we were doing.I ran upstairs to my room and changed into some grey sweatpants and a crop top that says Love and i put my hair in a messy bun.I put music on and went to my bed to my desk and do my homework. When I was about to start my homework I heard familiar voices comming from our neighbors house.We were supposed to meet them tomorrow because mom wants to bake brownies for them because if we dont it will be a sign of 'disrespect'...ugh moms. I went to my window and saw the last person I ever wanted to see...

Nick Black and his gang

Nick is my neighbor this cant be. No no no no God please help me I will be nicer to people and get good grades.I opened my eyes and looked out the window...they are still there. I went to my ipod doch and blasted Move by little Mix. I crossed the window and went to sit on the chair when someone shouted "Hey there princess already following me"Nick.Ha he wished I went over to the window and saw that all of the gang stopped what they were doing and was now at the window smirking.

"Há you wish. I am only here because its my house... sadly" i muttered the last part at the end.

"Still trying playing hard to get princess" he chuckled.And all of the gang laughed.

"That will be impossible sweetheart"Drew said and winked at me and I just roll my eyes.

"We will see about that" i say and closed my window and the curtins. I went to the desk and started my homework.

We will see about Nick Black I will never fall for you...or am I already falling?

Thanks for reading dont forget to vote and sorry for mistakes.The next chapter will come today.

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