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Can we all collectively agree that this story is SO BAD omg I was like 12 when I made it and I'm so sorry.
Hold up lemme write a YouTube apology real quick.

Never in my life did I expect something like this to happen to me. I never expected this to come to light, and I wish it never did. I have made some poor choices in my past, and I have realized the weight of my actions and the impact my choice has carried. To start off, I would like to apologize for adding Ava into the story, since it seems like everyone and their mom fucking hates her and wants her to choke on a blender while it's on. It was a bad decision on my hand, and I shouldn't have created her. What I should've done was just make one big harem with y/n and the Sally Face crew. Second, I would like to apologize for the AWFUL dialog I'm so sorry about that and I will improve in the future, seeing as I'm considering writing again. Though I don't think I should show my face after that story. And lastly, I want to apologize for making the characters say "uwu" or "-w-" constantly. I was at a point in my life where it was dark, and I have now seen the light and have gone to an UwU rehabilitation center to cure my sickness.

(I promise this is satire ik some people really like the story I've just grown out of that phase and I don't like it anymore)

Anyways thanks for reading my story, the comments are hilarious and ily guys a lot (even some of the weirdos)

July 8, 2022 edit: hi I'm currently writing another book, if you're a stranger things fan maybe go check it out I promise it's a lot better than this one okay thanks bye
(Book is called Kings | Stranger Things x Reader and its a slow-burn romance book with multiple love interests such as Steve, Billy, Robin and Eddie and has a lovable main character who isn't annoying and emo)

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now