into the game side story 1

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i seem to have lost my creative juice
or as pewdiepie would say
ive made an oopsie
so enjoy dis mess
scene 1 act 1
(y/n) stubbed her toe.
"oof" she falls into the floor, distraught. "big oof"
Ava hears her cries and runs over to her.
"Weow that's a lotta damage." Ava smirks.
"shuddup" (Y/n) glares at her.
"You okay?" Ava asks.
"Yeah, I'll survive, unfortunately."
Ava helps (y/n) stand on her feet, stretching afterwards.
"Your screaming woke me up from my nap, dummy." Ava taunts.
"Blame the table! It's not my fault that table was in my way."
"You're right, that means it's Larry's fault!" Ava exclaims, then runs out of the basement to go find him.
"Wait Ava-!" (Y/n) sighs. She goes after her to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble.
"FOUND YA BITCH!" Ava yelled as she ran towards Larry. Him and Sal were hanging around in the treehouse.
Larry tilted his head slightly and pointed at himself, "me?"
Ava scoffed, "yeah, you! You put that table in the way on purpose so (Y/N) would stub her toe! -w-"
Now Larry was even more confused. Just as he was about to oblige, (y/n) climbed the ladder, shouting at Ava.
"AVA I SWEAR HE DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE YOU'RE JUST A FUCKING PSYCHO!!!" (Y/n) got up to the treehouse, noticing everyone was confused. "Oh, hey there, Larry, Sal. Uh, what- I didn't know you'd be up here, heheheh..." (Y/n) awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. She looked at Ava and glared. She took a book that was right next to her and yeeted it towards Ava.
"For stealing my last cookie."
Sal gasps.
"No, you didn't, right? In my books it's the same as murder."
(Y/n) breaks out in a fit of laughter and falls to the ground while clutching her tum tum.
"Can I have that book, too?" She asks.
(Y/n) looks at Sal, pouting.
Sal stared at her for a few moments before sighing.
"Fine. But only because you're cu-"
"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! I've needed a new rule book for a while now. Mine are getting boring."
She runs over to Sal and wraps him in a big hug (っ⌒‿⌒)っ.
"Y-yeah, no problem."
Meanwhile --
"Yeah he totally likes her" Larry whispered to Ava.
"Mhmm but does she like Sal 🤔"
"Salllllllll I'm bored." (Y/n) exclaimed. She fell back dramatically on the floor. "I think I'm dying from boredom. Send me to a hospital."
"And what if I don't?"
(Y/n) gasps. "You're not gonna send your future wife to the hospital when she's dying?! How rude." (Y/n) Snickers™.
"Dying of boredom isn't a real- wait what?"
"Go back to your own game, kokichi." Ava taunts.
"kokichi deserves all of my love, so suck it." (Y/n) glares at Ava for the 10th time.
"Whaa? I thought Sal was your hubby."
"O rite. I forgot." (Y/n) sits up. "Sorry Sally." She smiles at him.
"Oh, uh, yeah, sure." Everyone in the treehouse could tell he was blushing hard since his ears were about as red as Kirishima's hair.
"Fricken frick you guys, I'm still bored." (Y/n) sighs.
"Hey (Y/n), truth or dare?" Ava smiles innocently.
"dare, try me."
"Hmmmm..." She smirks and motions for (y/n) to go to her. Ava whispers into her ear and (y/n) nods.
She walks over to Sal without an expression.
"W-what are you doing...?" He stuttered.
She didn't say anything. She just kept staring at him. She started leaning in slowly, as though she's trying to hypnotize him. And then all of a sudden,

She booped his lil prosthetic nose and ran off.
Sal just stood there, shocked and dumbfounded.
Ava practically died while laughing with Larry.
"You- you should've seen your face!" Larry struggled to breathe properly.
Sal put a hand over his mask, trying to hide the fact he felt embarrassed.
Yet, it didn't change his growing feelings for this mysterious girl.

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now