Chapter 8

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After school, you and Ava realized that you don't have any clothes other than what you showed up in on the first day. So, you asked Lisa if you, Ava, Sal and Larry could all go to the mall to get some clothes. She said yes, obviously, so now you're at the mall with your friends.

You head into Macy's since you thought they had decent clothing. "What exactly am I looking for..." You asked yourself. You looked around the store some more until you found a basic, (f/c) over-sized sweatshirt (sorry if you don't like over-sized clothing, I personally do.) and black jeans. You told Ava you'd be in the dressing room to try on clothes. You changed into the sweatshirt and jeans then came back out.
You got the attention of your friends with your casual and basic outfit.
"So, yes or no?" You asked.
"Hmm... sure." Ava said. You gave her a small smile.
"Thanks, I guess." Sal and Larry were talking to each other rather than paying any mind to you. Although, Sal did glance at you every so often, but you just brushed it off as nothing and went back into your own clothes.

You then headed into Hot Topic since they had anime clothing (once again sorry if you don't like anime.). You got several anime shirts and sweaters, including one from (favorite anime). Sal went ahead and bought a sweatshirt similar to yours, but in black. Ava got a shirt with Mikan Tsumiki from Danganronpa on it, a shirt from The Used, and a sweater from Tokyo Ghoul. Larry didn't get anything surprisingly.
You also bought key chains from My Hero Academia, and a small poster.
You head back to the apartments and go back into the basement. You then realized there's no point in getting a poster since you literally sleep on the couch but it's too late to go back now.
Sal then pulls out what looks to be the Super Gear Boy.
"What's that thing?" You ask.
"Oh, this is a device that can sorta find ghosts."
"Wait what?" You question Sal. You wanted to sound as believable as possible. 
"It's hard to explain, just ask Todd next time you see him." Sal said.
You plop down on the couch and reach for the remote, when Sal asks, "Do you wanna hunt for ghosts together?"

You thought about it for a second. Todd would go insane in the near future because of these dangerous ghosts and demons, so would it be worth it? You then thought that you could possibly help Sal, Larry, and Todd from the future, and maybe change it.
"Sure. Sounds fun." You said.
"I'm gonna stay here and watch Attack On Titan. You two go without me." Ava says, dramatically.
"You sure, Ava? You seem really emotional about it."
"Don't forget meeeeeee!"
"I dunno, maybe I should on purpose just to piss you off." You joked. Ava pouted. "I'm kidding, jeez."

"Are you coming, Larry?" Sal asks.
"Nah, I've seen enough crazy shit for one week. Go ahead."
"Your loss." Sal turns towards the door and starts to walk out. You follow suite.
Then you realized you'd meet Megan. She honestly was so cute, even for a ghost.

"Have you've ever seen a ghost before, (Y/N)?" Sal asks.
"Not that I know of. Or maybe I have, but I'm just dumb and didn't realize it was a ghost and probably thought it was the wind." You smiled. You hoped Sal was smiling, with the way the mask moved ever so slightly.
This could either be traumatizing, amazing, or terrifying. Either way, you wouldn't forget about this. 

(Sorry this is so short, I've been pretty busy with school and stuff so I didn't have a lot of time to write this. I hope future chapters will be longer. Love, IzzlesChan.)

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