Chapter 9

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"Have you've ever seen a ghost before, (Y/N)?" Sal asks.
"Not that I know of. Or maybe I have, but I'm just dumb and didn't realize it was a ghost and probably just the wind." You smiled. You hoped Sal was smiling, with the way his mask moved ever so slightly.

This could either be traumatizing, amazing, or terrifying. Either way, this would be a moment you'd never forget.

You head over to the elevator with Sal next to you. 
"Floor five, right?" You look over at Sal. He tilts his head a bit.
"How did you know that?" He asks. You realized what you had asked and quickly think of an excuse to prevent spilling the truth.
"I- uh, I just thought since Ava and I were up there earlier and it looked creepy..." You look guilty as hell, but Sal ignores it and believes you. You mentally sigh in relief.

An awkward silence falls upon the both of you has you slowly make your way to the 5th floor. Sal then decides to speak up.
"Are you scared?"
"Of what? M- The ghost? I dunno, I guess I'm more nervous then anything. I don't think I've ever seen a ghost. But since you seem to trust them, I'm sure they're not harmful." You almost slipped up and said Megan's name, but quickly caught yourself. Lying was harder than it looks, especially to someone as kind as Sal. 
"Yeah, she's pretty kind. Her name is Megan. She was only 7 when she was murdered by her own father." Sal explained while seemingly having a sad expression.
You had already knew about Megan, but hearing it directly from Sal was even more depressing.

Eventually, the elevator dinged, signalling it's stopped. You walk out into the eerie hallway, becoming more and more anxious with each step you take. You look over at Sal. You can't tell what he's thinking, but he seems to not be worried what so ever.
You take a deep breath, although the corridor did smell like a dead rat. You felt like throwing up, but soon became relaxed as Sal gave you a reassuring nod.

You enter room 504 and gulp. 'I hope she isn't scared of me...'  You thought. Sal opens the bathroom door and you enter the room after him. 'Damn, it reeks in here as well...'

You take in your surroundings a bit. The disgusting, mold-covered toilets, walls, and floor. The questionable green slime coming from the sink, and all of the spider webs, not a single corner wasn't covered in webs.
You wanted to vomit, again, but held back for Megan's sake.

"Megan? It's me, Sal. I've brought a friend, (Y/N). She won't harm you, I promise." Sal proclaimed. Though, Megan didn't show. You and Sal wait for roughly 5 minutes, still nothing. "Hm... Maybe she's just shy around new people. Though, she wasn't hesitant around Larry..." 
"Could it be there's something missing?" You ask. 

You and Sal sit around in silence for a little longer, wondering what could be missing, though you already knew. Yet, you didn't say anything, it may grow suspicion. You already had the impression that Sal thought you were a stalker, so you didn't speak up. 
Eventually, you and Sal decided to speak to Todd about the matters. 

You get back into the elevator along with Sal. 
"Well that was exciting." You say, just a hint of sarcasm in your tone. You look Sal in the eyes. 
"If you consider that exciting, then you're in for a treat later on." Sal (probably) smirks. You smile.
"Alrighty then. I'll be waiting."

Sooner or later, you and Sal arrive at Todd's apartment. You knock on the front door. You and Sal are soon met with Todd's mother, who might I add is higher than the clouds at the moment.
"Salllllllly Faceee! It's nice to see youuuuu! Who's this heree? Is she your girlfrienddd?" Janis said.
Sal didn't seem too uncomfortable, although the tip of his ears were visibly tinted pink.
"No, she's just a friend. We were wondering if Todd is home?" Sal calmly stated. Being friend zoned never feels good, although you have just met him about a week ago, so you could see why it would make sense for you to be a friend. It's better than nothing.
You only nod to Sal's statement. "Oh, wellll in that caseee, Todd is home, go right ahead, sweethearttt!" Janis explained.
"A-Alright, then..." You shift uncomfortably. You trust Janis and Todd's family, but you just weren't used to talking to her. Especially when she's always high.

You head inside the apartment and into Todd's room. There, Sal explains about the ghosts and how the gear boy wasn't working. So, just like the game, you and Sal went to find the missing parts.
You headed back out of the apartment and into the elevator. Again.
"Something that boosts the electrical output and something that amplifies the devices reception?" You mumble to yourself, partially hoping Sal overheard.
"Mhmm, so maybe-" You cut Sal off.
"A battery pack and an antenna?"
Sal just stares at you for a second, wondering how you practically read his mind. "That's just what I was gonna say, hehe."
You smile. "Come on, I think I know where we can find that antenna!"

You both head down to the basement, passing Chug along the way.
"Oh, hey Chug." Sal greets.
"Hey there, Sally Face. Who's this?" Chug points at you. You tense a bit, although it's not like he's going to hurt you. You just don't like meeting new people.
"That's (Y/N). I just met her about a week ago." Sal introduced you to Chug. You gave Chug a small wave. "I would talk longer, but we have to get something. I'll talk to you later." Sal starts walking towards Larry's apartment door, you following suite.
You can hear slight mumbling, most likely coming from the TV.
You and Sal quietly stare at Ash and Ava, casually cuddling and binge watching Angels Of Death. Ava was holding a Hatsune Miku body pillow. You thought it was the cutest thing you've seen in a while, and that's coming from an otaku.
Sal coughs, slightly ruining the moment.
"Oh, hey (Y/N) and Sally Face. I didn't realize you'd be back so soon." Ava stated.
"We won't be back for long, we have to get something really quick." You said. You look over to Ash, "Do you know where I could find Larry?"
"He's just chilling in his room, surprisingly wearing headphones for once." Ash joked.
"Alright, thanks Ash!" You say. As you walk past Ava, you quickly whisper in her ear, "You two would make a great couple uwu."
Ava turns as red as a tomato, and flicks your forehead. You turn and go into Larry's room.
"Larry! Can we borrow something?" You ask. You didn't realize he had headphones on, and he didn't realize you were standing 10 feet away from him. You sigh. "LARRYYY!!" You yelled. Larry jumped out of his skin like he's seen a ghost. "Damn, turn those down a bit, would you? Anyways, me and Sal need to borrow that antenna thingy from your police thing. Please??" You ask.
Larry was confused as hell, but just nodded.
"Oh, and do you have a walkie talkie or something? We need it for something important..." You added. He was a bit sad but now extremely confused.
"Yeah, I have a walkie talkie, but will it be back in good shape?"
"Not necessarily... Sorry." You look off to the side. Larry sighs.
"Fine, you can take it. But you owe me -w-."
"Thanks a lot, Larry! I'll get you a new one!" You smile.
"Yeah, yeah. Go have fun for now. "
"Oki~. Thanks again!"
You had the two parts to upgrade the gear boy. You'd soon have to face the wrath behind these apartments, and what lies within them.

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now