The Rest of the Story

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Hi! It's been a while. I recently got a message from a reader who wanted to finish this story for me as I never finished this book. 

I know a lot of people have read this and I seriously appreciate each and every one of you! Honestly, thank you for reading my story and voting on it and leaving your comments and feedback, it's been great having conversations with some of you. And thank you so much to the person who drew fan art for my story, too! It's seriously surreal seeing how many people enjoyed this and I'm sorry that I never got around to finishing up the story. 

If you want to check out my other works, I'm currently writing a Stranger Things (Steve Harrington) x Reader, and I plan on writing a spin-off to that book where it's a Robin Buckley x Reader instead! If you're interested in any of those, I promise they won't be a waste of your time. 

Anyways, onto what most of you are here for: the rest of Into The Game! One of my readers has taken it upon themselves to finish the story since I never got around to doing it myself. If you would like to check it out, they've currently published the first two chapters. Their username is karmaw33b, and the title is simply "Into the game", so it should be pretty easy to find. 

I hope you guys go and check it out, I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss it. 

Thank you again to all of the people who have read this story, and to those who have left comments and votes, thank you so much. 

Rock on, 


Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now