Chapter 2

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Everything was white.

You were in a white room that looked endless. You looked around, confused. You found Ava next to you, and she was scared. "Where... Are we?" She asked.
"I'm not sure, but we'll find a way out."
You walked around a bit to find nothing. Then, there was a loud voice that you couldn't tell where it was coming from. It said a bunch of random things you couldn't quite understand. Everything started to turn into a room.

Then you were in a room. You weren't sure where you were at, but it looked oddly familiar. You turned towards Ava and she was just as confused as you.
"Wait a second... Isn't this Sally's room...?"
"Huh? What do you mean?" You asked.
"From the game! I think somehow we got, like, teleported or something...!" She explained.
"I guess it does resemble it a lot... And that would explain the white room."
Ava then looked worried. "What if he is here?  In his apartment? Wait, can we even get back to our world? Where would be staying for the time being? Food? Water?!" She was panicking and asking a lot of questions.
"Calm down, Ava! If he is here, he'll hear you!"
"Right, right. Let's get out of here before we get cau-"

There was the sound of a doorknob turning, but you and Ava just stayed still out of shock. There in front of you both, was Sal Fisher himself. He looked at you, probably angry, but you couldn't tell from his mask. You were speechless, but Ava wasn't.
She looked at you, "I TOLD YOU!!" She yelled but not too loudly.
"Right..." You looked back at Sally.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Ava, and this here is my one and only best friend (Y/N)!" Ava said with excitement. She loved the game Sally Face and was super happy to actually talk to the characters in real life.
"H-Hi..." You said a bit shy.
"Why are you in my apartment..?"
"Ah well you see... It was an accident we-" You cut her off by flicking her on her forehead.
You went over to her ear. "We can't let him know that he's from a game! What if it makes him depressed or something?" You whispered.
"Ah k.."
"Uh.. We are uh..." You started.
"Avaaaaa could you stop yelling so much? I think my ears are bleeding now..." You joked.
"Eh?! No they're not!"
Sally just stared at us blankly.
"A-Anyways, nice to meet you... See ya around or.. Something." You said awkwardly as you made your way to the front door. You held onto Ava's wrist as you walked.
Just before you could leave, Sally spoke up.
"I'm Sally Face..."
"Nice meeting you, Sally Face." You said as you turned to face him and gave him a closed-eye smile. You turned back towards the door and headed out.

501 Words

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now