holy crap its chapter 13 (not really)

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(Feburary 2020)
It has been a while (*cough* 5 months-) since I last updated this and I'm so sorry, I've just been busy these past few months and this story completely slipped my mind. I'll try to do better with updating this, but no promises.
Since it's been a few months since I last updated this, I gift you a long chapter for once.

It's been a week since you and Ava told Larry and Sal about your secret, and it felt good to get it off your chest. Although, there were other things you wanted to tell them, specifically Sal, you decided to keep it to yourself for now.
You were currently in Larry's room in the basement of the Addison Apartments as per usual. Larry was painting while Sal was being his model. You peeked at Larry's painting. It seemed as though he spent hours upon hours making it, although he tells you it only took him maybe 3.
Sal gave you a quick glance before looking back at Larry. You could tell he was at least a little uncomfortable, knowing he'd have to stand there for about an hour or two. Of course, Larry tells Sal to not push himself, but he does it anyways.
You felt like Sal and Larry were still a bit shaken up by your confession to not being a part of their world, but at least the tension from a week ago has completely died down. You were happy they didn't mind as much anymore, saying that even though you and Ava were from different worlds, you were still the same people. Dumb people, but still the same.
"(Y/N), you there...?" Sal asked. You snapped out of your inner monologue and faced him. Your face heated up out of embarrassment and you looked to the floor. Sal smiled a tiny bit. You almost didn't notice it.

(December 2021)
Hey guys! If you don't know already, this story is old as hell and I'm not continuing it anymore, simply because I've grown up and moved on to other fandoms. I just recently re-download Wattpad because one of my friends is on here and I wanted to support her. But seeing as how I'm not much of a fan of Sally Face or anime anymore (don't get me wrong, it's good I just don't watch/play it anymore and lost interest) I just wanted to let you know about what's been going on and why I stopped uploading. I'm not dead I promise ❤ also I apologize for making the MC say "uwu" or something along those lines. Anyways there's the draft I saved almost 2 years ago that I forgot about above. My friend on here is actually making me consider writing stories again, but it likely would just be stories I make up rather than fan fiction. If I do decide to do that later, more likely than not it will be apocalypse related (I loved zombies and apocalypse-related movies). I'd have to find time to do that though considering I just started highschool and I'm now doing theater. FOR THE RECORD I was about 12 or 13 when I made this story, and I didn't expect it to blow up as much as it did.
Anyways I'm sorry about abandoning this story, and I'm not promising any new stories in the future, but I just wanted to let some of my readers know what's up ❤
Stay safe and hydrated. I mean it.

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now