Chapter 4

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This chapter is a bit long, enjoy!

(Art by ankhhgk go follow them they do awesome artwork <3)

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(Art by ankhhgk go follow them they do awesome artwork <3)

"Hey... are you okay?"

You'd look up. Your eyes are met with beautiful blue ones.
"Huh? Oh, sorry... Yeah, I'm okay."
"Are you sure? You don't seem okay... Is something bothering you?" Sal asked. He sat down next to you on Larry's bed.
"Well... I guess." You gave up and decided to tell him, it wouldn't do good keeping your problems to yourself. "Ava and I don't have a place to stay, and we don't have any water or food to survive off of..."
"Oh, I'm sorry... I'll see if I can do anything about it. I'll ask my dad if it would be okay for you both to stay at my place, or maybe you could ask Lisa." Sal suggested. Before he suggested this, you thought about sleeping in a room on the 5th floor, but you knew how scary it is up there.
"I'll ask Lisa later. Thanks, Sally Face."
"You can call me Sal if you want."
"Alright. Thanks, again." You said. He got up and went back over to Ava and Larry to dance. You got bored of just watching, so you went to go dance with everyone, too.

~Time Skip brought to you by Victor's Ice Skates~

When everyone got tired of dancing and head banging, it was time to go ask Lisa about staying at Larry's apartment for a bit. You didn't say goodbye to Larry or Sal, you might be coming back. Sal and Larry gave you and Ava their numbers, incase they needed to contact you. You thanked them again, and headed towards the elevator. You clicked on the "3" button, and the elevator started going up. Just as you suspected, Lisa was still mopping the same spot. She gets lost in thought a lot.
"Hey, Lisa!" Ava greeted her. She looked startled, guess she was lost in thought.
"Oh my! Sorry, you startled me there. I get lost in thought a lot." Lisa said.
"It's no problem, Lisa. Hey, um... could we maybe... stay at your apartment for a bit? We don't have a place to live..." You explained. You expected her to get angry at you for lying when you first met, but instead she just smiled and said, "Of course you can, girls! You may have to sleep on the couch, though."
Your face lit up. "Wait- Really? Thanks so much, Lisa!"
"No problem, girls. Now go have fun."
You and Ava headed back down to the basement. You went back into Larry's apartment. You glanced into the kitchen, and you wish you hadn't. There stood a tall, human-like figure with red eyes. You jumped back. As soon as it was there, it was gone.
"A-Ava, I saw the demon..." You mumbled out of shock. Ava looked at you worriedly, but grabbed your hand and lead you to Larry's room. You walked in with Ava.
"So? What did she say?" Larry asked.
"She said yes, just that we'll have to sleep on the couch, but that's fine!" Ava explained. You have never seen a demon or ghost ever, so the experience made you speechless. You decided not to tell Larry or Sal about seeing the demon, that would only make them worry and freak out.

You all hung out until it was time for Sal to go back to his apartment. Larry lent you and Ava an oversized shirt to borrow to go to sleep in. It smelled a bit funny, but you decided not to question it.
Soon, you drifted off to sleep on the couch.

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now