Chapter 3

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     As soon as you headed out the front door, Ava basically screamed in your face.
"Can. You. Calm. Down. For. Five. Seconds?" You said. "Hey, we should explore a bit around here. It'll be good to know where everything is. We already know about the murders, the ghosts, and everyone's future." You explained.
"Yeah, let's go." Ava then gasped, "What if we meet Larry?!"
"We probably will at some point..."
"LET'S GOOOO!!!" Ava grabbed your hand started to Naruto run down the hallways. You went from door to door,  introducing yourselves and getting to know the residents. You headed to the elevator with Ava. You pressed on the button labeled "3". You noticed a sign that read "Caution: Wet Floor" next to you when you stepped out of the elevator. You turned your head down the other side of the hall and saw Lisa. Ava grabbed your wrist and dragged you to Lisa.
"Hello! We are new residents of the Addison apartments. We're going around and greeting our new neighbors!" Ava said excitedly.
"Oh, hello girls! Welcome to the Addison Apartments! My name is Lisa, I'm the janitor here. I keep the place up and running." Lisa said.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Lisa. I'm (Y/N), and this is Ava." You smiled at Lisa. She is very friendly compared to many other residents.
"Is there anything fun to do around here?" Ava asked. She already knew the answer to her question.
"Say, you two girls look like you'd get along greatly with my boy Larry! Here, we live in the basement. You'll need this key card to get down there." Lisa explained. She handed you a key card. You and Ava thanked her and went in the elevator. You put the card into the basement slot thing, and the elevator started moving down. The elevator made a ding every time you passed a floor. The doors opened to reveal the basement. You and Ava start towards the door of Larry and Lisa's house. The door was unlocked, so you headed in. You looked at all the pictures on the walls. Then, you knocked on Larry's door.
"Who is it?" A voice said behind the door. You could tell it was Larry's.
"My name is Ava, and I'm here with my friend (Y/N). We just moved in. Your mom told us to come introduce ourselves to you." Ava explained.
"Okay, come in."
You walked into Larry's room to find him painting a skull. Behind him was Sally sitting on a beanbag.
"Oh, hey Sally Face." You said.
"It's Larry, right?" Ava asked Larry, even though she already knew who he was.
"I'm Ava and this is (Y/N). Nice to meet you."
"You already know them, Sally Face?" Larry asked Sal.
"Yeah... They were in my room when I met them. Uninvited." Sal explained.
"Uh... I- We can explain..." You started. You weren't the best at lying to people.
"We aren't new residents... We are uh... Homeless and needed.. A place to stay..." Ava lied on the spot. 
"Huh... You don't look homeless, but okay." Larry said. He looked skeptical.

Larry pulled Sal into a different room.
"Dude, can we trust them? You said they were found in your room without permission!" Larry questioned. He was concerned for Sal incase they were stalkers.
"I'm not sure yet. Let's just talk with them for a while and see if they're suspicious." Sal said. They walked back into Larry's room and found you and Ava sitting on Larry's bed. They continued what they were doing before. You and Ava decided not to ask about it. Every so often, Sal would glance at you. There was an awkward silence for a bit, before you spoke up,
"So, Larry, I see you like Sanity's Fall." Larry's face lit up.
"Forget what I said before, Sal! They can be our friends!" Ava looked a bit confused at first, then realized they meant about their private conversation earlier. Sal didn't even try to argue, he knew he wouldn't win. Larry walked over to his stereo, and pressed "Play". The tune of a heavy metal song started playing.
Larry started to head bang, Sal following shortly after. Ava got up from the bed and walked over to them. She started to head bang along with them.
You just sat on the bed, thinking.
"Where are we going to stay? I don't think Larry or Sal trusts us enough to let us stay with them..."
You had your head down, lost in thought. Sal looked over towards your direction. He noticed you seemed worried or sad. He walked over to you, unnoticed by Ava or Larry since they were too busy head banging.

"Hey... are you okay?"

802 words

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now