Chapta 12

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"Hey, (Y/N)... How did you know my last name...?"
Your eyes widened in realization.

'Shit, he never told me his last name..'
You stumbled for words as your thoughts were scrambled.
"I- uhm, I- it... It's a coincidence...?" You didn't dare make eye contact.

"That sounded more like a question rather than an answer. Tell me." He jolted his head at you. You were tempted to look his way but didn't, keeping your eyes on the ground.
You sighed.

You suppose you couldn't keep it a secret forever.

You tensed up.

"I- I'll tell you when we get to the basement... I have to tell both you and Larry the truth..."


You walked down to the basement with Sal. The aura was tense and awkward. You and Sal didn't spare glances at each other. Once you went into Larry's room, he noticed right away that something was wrong between the two of you. You looked off to the side, gathering your thoughts. Sal sat down on Larry's bed, Larry sitting down next to him not too long after. You motioned for Ava to come towards you so you could explain the situation. You stepped out from Larry's room with Ava following behind you. 
"What's going on?" She asks, closing the door behind her. You look off to the side again, biting your bottom lip. You look back towards Ava,
"So uhm.." You started, taking in a deep breath, 
"Imayormaynothaverevealedoursecrettosalandnowwehavetoexplaintothemwhatshappening." By the end of your 'sentence', your eyes were squinted, expecting to get yelled at. Which you did.
"(Y/N) WHY TF WOULD YOU LET SOMETHING SLIP LIKE THAT?!" Ava yelled at you. You looked down.
"I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking..." 
"Clearly." She sighed. "It's fine... they should probably know in case we disappear some day anyways." Ava turns back to the door and opens it. You follow after her. You sit down on a bean bag next to Ava. You two sit in silence for a minute, trying to collect your thoughts.
"So, are you going to just stay silent or are you going to tell us what the hell is going on?" Sal said, clearly agitated. 
"I-It's a bit hard to understand... but..." You start. Your brain felt as though it drew a blank, unsure of what to say. You sigh and look towards Sal and Larry. "We're from a different universe... if that makes sense." 
Sal and Larry both looked confused but let you continue on.
"So, basically... This isn't a real world. It's a game." You realized how insane you sounded but kept talking, "Ava and I were about to play it before we opened a file and got sucked into the game-- and that's why when you found us, Sal, we were on the floor of your room..." 
"Then... why did you lie to us?" Sal asked. 
"Well we didn't want to sound like psychopaths and get arrested or for you both to get depressed about your world not being real..." You looked off to the side, Ava staying silent since explaining wasn't really her thing. All four of you stayed quiet, trying to think about what to say next. Sal and Larry were trying to wrap their heads around the idea that their world wasn't real and was just a game. Larry stood up from Sal's bed and walked out, probably to be alone for a bit. You felt so guilty for anything they were feeling. You looked down at your hands, messing with the hem of your shirt. 
Sal finally sighed and looked down as well, "It's not your fault that your here though.."
'I mean it kinda is but...'  You thought and smiled slightly. 
"It could be worst..." Ava said. You turned to her, 
"How so?" You ask. She shrugs.
"We could be at home playing Sally Face but instead we got to meet Sal and Larry along with everyone else. I'd say we were pretty fortunate, if anything." She smiles and so do you, Sal raising his head to look at the two of you.
"Yeah, I guess so." You look towards Sal and smile. You could barely notice him tensing up as his ears turn slightly pink. He looked back at the door when Larry entered the room, seemingly calmer. 
"Are you alright, Larry?" Larry sits back down on the bed and nods. 
"Yeah, I was just a bit shocked, that's all." 
The four of you sit in silence once more, however this time it was a bit less tense. You sigh in relief since that entire conversation could've gone completely differently. 

'Maybe leaving our own world was a good thing... Otherwise I wouldn't have met Sal.'


I know I haven't updated this in a while. I kept trying to update it but became busy with a concert then school starting soon. I'll try to update more often but no promises!

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now