Chapter 10

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    You leave back towards the elevator with Sal after getting the antenna. As you stepped into the elevator, you had gotten an eerie feeling, like someone or something else was with you in the tight space. You gulped, hoping that maybe if you had just ignored the feeling it would go away. Sal glanced at you. You had wondered for a second if he was worried or just bored. Thankfully, the elevator doors opened to reveal the hallways of the second floor.
You let out a sigh of relief and walked down the haunted halls until you reached door 202, better known as Todd's place. You didn't bother knocking on the door and had just let yourself in, knowing it wasn't locked most of the time.
You looked around for a moment before heading towards Todd's room. He appeared to be focused on studying more than the sound of you coming inside his room.
"Hey, we got an antenna. Would that work for the gearboy?" Sal asked. Todd didn't answer, still content on looking through his books. You sighed and glanced at Sal, motioning for him to put a hand over his ears. He looked confused but obliged, and you let in a big breath.
"TODD WE HAVE AN ANTENNA IS THAT OKAY FOR THE GEARBOY?!?" You shouted loudly. You had startled the red head so much that he fell out of his seat, his face full of shock. You could hear Sal laugh quietly and you smiled. "Sorry Todd, but you just weren't paying attention and I'm kind of impatient..."
Todd rubbed the back of his head, "And loud."
"Right, that too... Sorry again." You showed an expression on your face that made you look super guilty.
"We have the stuff for the gearboy." Sal said. Todd nodded and stood up, walking over towards you and taking the antenna out from your grasp.
"This should be perfect! Now, give me about 20 or so minutes to engineer this paranormal device and come back later." You and Sal nod in sync and walk out of Todd's room. You assumed he would maybe need peace and quiet to actually focus properly. You walk out of his apartment with Sal and look at him.
"Now what?" You ask.
"Now we wait. Do you wanna go back down to the basement?" You didn't think Sal had realized, but he tilted his head slightly. You smiled,
"Sure, sounds fun!" You skip down the hallway to the elevator doors. Sal started walking there as well, somewhat chuckling at your child-like behavior. Even though he had only met you a few days ago, he had already grown some trust towards you that you would stay his friend, despite his appearance under the mask.
You got in the elevator waiting on Sal. Once again you got that eerie feeling but brushed it off as soon as Sal stepped into the elevator. You took your card out of your back pocket and went to insert it into the pad. But at the same time, Sal had done the same. It was an awkward silence before you both looked at each other, simultaneously saying,
"I can do it."
You stared at each other for another moment before erupting into a fit of laughs and giggles. After what felt like hours, you had calmed down a bit, putting in the card and going down to the basement. You still had a small smile plastered on your face, and you had assumed Sal did as well, with the way his mask was slightly lifted up. Not so much to where you could see his scars, but you could see the red skin around them. Your smile left your face for a second, showing a sign of sympathy before regaining it.
Eventually, you had made it to the basement. You stepped out of the elevator with Sal and made your way towards Larry's home. You once again didn't bother knocking, since you were staying there anyways.
As you walked into his room, you noticed both Ava and Larry drawing. You ran over to Ava's bean bag and sat down, glancing at what her paper had on it. It was a drawing of an original character she had made.
"Damn Ava that's really good." You said while smiling.
"Thanks! Although I don't know what to call them." She looked over to you, assuming you had suggestions.
"Looks kinda space-ish so maybe... Lunar?" Ava smiled,
"That works perfectly, thanks (Y/N)!"
Ava hugged you and you hugged back. You continued sitting next to Ava as she drew. You didn't want to bother her as much since she was focusing, so you went over to the stereo. You looked at all of the CD's that Larry had. You had heard of some of the bands, and you noticed there were some you actually liked. You picked out (favorite album) and opened the stereo, taking out the disk in it and placing in the new one. Larry looked over at you, wondering what you could be doing before the music started to play. He relaxed a bit and went back to drawing. Sal looked over at you and then the stereo. He hadn't realized you also liked (favorite band) as much as he did. He smiled slightly and started tapping his foot to the beat of the music. You glanced over at the blue haired boy with a small smile on your face as well. He hadn't realized how much time had passed, but at the same time he didn't care. You went and sat down on Larry's bed, watching everyone enjoy themselves. Sal eventually went and sat down next to you. You both were silent but it wasn't awkward. You enjoyed the silence and so did Sal. He continued to tap his foot quietly as the songs rotated throughout the album. Every so often, your hands would brush up against one another. You made nothing of it, but you also had a weird feeling in your stomach. You tried to push it down and ignore it, though.
"It's been 3 hours.. Where did they go that's taking them so long?" Todd mumbles to himself. He looks off to the side, thinking of the reasons why you and Sal weren't there already. "They probably just forgot. It'll be fine." He reassures himself. He didn't have anything to worry about for all he knew, but he didn't want a paranormal device in his room with the possibility of it going off.
You guys both completely forgot about the gearboy until the next day. Sal ended up staying the night at Larry's since it was already very late when he was there. He took off his mask after everyone had gone asleep and hesitantly went to bed himself. He ended up sleeping on the floor but it didn't bother him very much. Little did he know a certain someone would see his face, and it would change their relationship either for better or for worst.

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now