Chapter 6

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The gif above has nothing to do with the story, I just love Juuzou Suzuya.

"Let's go back to truth or dare, yeah?"
'That was way too close...'

The game continued on as soon as you and Ava sat back down on the floor next to everyone. Ashley, Larry, and Todd didn't question your sudden leave, and continued with the game.

~After the game or something brought to you by Kirishima Eijirou's hair gel~

After the game, there were only Ava, Larry, Sal, and you remaining. Ashley had to go babysit, and Todd left to go study.
Ava yawned. "I'm bored~~." She said. She stretched, her shirt barely lifting to show a small part of her stomach.
"Then go to sleep..." You replied. You were sketching a picture of Ciel Phantomhive, not once looking up from the notebook Larry lent to you.
"But that's boring, (Y/N)!" Ava whined. She could be a pain sometimes.
"Then find something fun to do." You looked up at her. She was pouting like a child.
"Hmph! Fine." She went off to the kitchen, probably to eat out of boredom.
After you finished your small sketch of Ciel, you returned the notebook to Larry and went to find Ava. She was sitting on the couch, watching Yuri On Ice. You sat next to her and binge-watched the anime.
Soon after, Sal and Larry walked out and joined you to watch the show. They've never seen Yuri On Ice, nor have they ever really watched anime. They were in for a treat.
You had to explain what had happened already, since you were on the 6th episode by the time they came over.
You mentally prepared yourself for the 7th episode, where Yuri and Victor kiss. It came down to the time, and you tried your best to not scream/squeal. Sal and Larry just looked confused, but didn't ask.
You began to get tired, it was almost midnight. Sal went back to his apartment, Larry went to his room, and you and Ava fell into a deep sleep on the couch.

°~The Next Day~°

You were awoken by Ava shaking the hell out of you. "(Y/N)! Get your lazy ass up!" Ava shouted at you.
"What.. Why?" You asked tiredly.
"Lisa thought it would be bad if we didn't get education or something, so she enrolled us into school! Get up~!" Ava explained. You just stared at her, wide eyed, and then got up to get ready for school. You just threw on your regular (f/c) hoodie with black jeans and a choker. You didn't have a bag or anything, so Larry let you and Ava borrow some old used ones.
You walked out of the apartment and out the door with Ava and Larry. You three were laughing and talking about random things until Sal came out.
You could barely tell from his mask, but you could tell he was as shocked as you were to find out you were going to the same school as him, Larry, Ash, and Todd. You four walked to the bus stop, and waited for the bus to come.
When the bus did show up, you sat towards the back with Ava and somewhat close to Sal and Larry.
Ava was talking about random things in her life, when you realised something.
You'd have to meet and deal with Travis, the bully. You already knew about his bullying tendencies. It only meant you'd just need to stay away from him. But at the same time, that would be nearly impossible with Sal as your new friend.

Soon, the bus pulled up to the school. You and Ava hopped out the bus excitedly. You and Ava were one of the first out of the bus, so you waited for Larry and Sal to escape the madness that was the bus.
You four met up and walked into the new school. You and Ava had to check up at the front office since you're new,  so Larry and Sal went on ahead to their classes. You and Ava picked up your schedules and looked them over.
"Let's see..." You mumbled. Your schedule read:
Period 1: Science
Period 2: Math Course 1
Period 3: LA 9
Period 4: Lunch
Period 5: World Civilizations
Period 6: Art 9
Period 7: Health

The only subject you were actually excited about was art. You didn't hate the other periods, but they were just sooo boring. Science wasn't as bad, but still could be a bit boring when only reading a bunch of big words you'll never understand and forget later in the future.
"What class do you have first, (Y/N)?" Ava asked.
"Science, you?"
"Damn, I have Language Arts. We'll meet back up at lunch, okay?" Ava said.
"Yep! Good luck on your first day~!" You said, walking away.
"You too!" You heard Ava yell from the distance.
You found the Room 806, and walked in. You looked around for any familiar faces, and landed on one. The seat next to her was empty, so you walked over.
"Hello! I'm (Y/N), what's your name?" You asked the emo girl sitting next to you. She looked over to you, and simply said, "Maple."
"It's nice to meet you, Maple~." You greeted. You wanted to make friends with the main-ish characters. They all seemed cool, minus Travis.
Class started, and the teacher basically forced you to introduce yourself to the class. Your introduction to the entire class was a bit awkward, but you just pretended nothing happened, and continued with the class.
The bell rang finally, and you checked your schedule for your next class, math. You made sure to bring paper and pencil, you were going to just draw the entire time.
You ended up running into Sal in the hallway. You had 5 minutes to spare before the bell rang anyways, so you chatted with Sal about the first period.
"I met Maple, she's pretty cool." You said. Sal nodded. You knew that he knew Maple already.
"What class do you have next?" Sal asked.
"Ah, math." You sighed.
"Oh, me too. We can go together, if you'd like." Sal said. You nodded. You were sad about having math, but glad to have a friend in there. Sal stopped by his locker quickly, grabbing out a book and then heading to class with you.
The teacher, Mrs. Packerton, once again basically forced you to introduce yourself. You did so, a bit less awkward, but still very much so weird. You took a seat next to Sal. You knew about Mrs. Packertons weird hobby, and wanted to help Sal solve it, but not yet. You wanted to get used to this weird and different world, first.

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now