Chapter 11

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" Little did he know a certain someone would see his face, and it would change their relationship either for better or for worst. "


         Darkness. Darkness surrounded you. You looked from left to right, but you couldn't see anything. You tried calling out to someone, asking for help,  but no one responded. You could hear your voice echo as it slowly faded into nothing. Then, you were in a room. A closet to be more specific. You looked around, trying to be as silent as possible. You didn't know why, but your anxiety had increased a lot, as if something or someone was out to find you. You put a hand up to your mouth, trying to make your breathing as silent as possible. You try to calm down quietly. Once possible, you actually took a look at your surroundings. There were shelves with tools and buckets on them, a mop, some folded up chairs and a window at the back wall. You looked out the window and saw it was night time. 'Great, just more of a reason to have a panic attack right now.' You thought. You jolted your head back towards the towering door when you heard a noise. You sat down very carefully as to make as little noise as possible. You didn't know what was out there and you frankly didn't want to find out. You kept your eyes on the door, wishing someone was with you at that moment. Through the crack of the door, there was a light. You tilted your head slightly at it. Your heart slowed down ever so slightly. But that wasn't long lasted as there was sudden footsteps coming towards the door. You held in your breath unknowingly, questioning what could be beyond that door in your head. There was a shadow that stopped right in front of the entry to your hiding place. You didn't know how much longer you could hold in your breath. You blinked harshly, hoping that this mysterious shadow would walk away.
It knocked on the door.
You didn't even dare to gulp or swallow your spit. You put your other hand on your mouth quickly and quietly as the shadow knocked again.
It tried turning the handle to the door, however it was locked. You were close to releasing a sigh of relief but remembered you had to be silent.
It tried turning the handle a second time, a bit more harshly. Then a third time. The shadow had seem to lose patience quickly.
"I know you're in there, (Y/N). Stop trying to hide from me." The mysterious shadow said from beyond the door. Your eyes widened as you started sweating a bit. You quietly breathed through your nose, not making a single sound.
Eventually, the shadow walked away. You let go of your mouth, trying to make your breathing steady again. You recollected your thoughts as you sat there, wondering who that could've been.
'It sounded like a males voice... Quite familiar too...' You thought.
All of a sudden-
There was a loud banging at the door.
Your eyes widened a second time and you didn't have even a second to try and stay silent, as the shadow had broken through the door.
In a fit of hurry, you could barely make out what he had looked like,

But it was all too similar to Sal Fisher.
Your body started shaking slightly, scared of what he could do. In your mind, you knew he wasn't the bad guy, that you could trust him. But through your vision, it was the complete opposite.
His pants and shirt were stained with both wet and dry blood. The knife he held in his hand, stained the same as his clothes. He also had a little bit of blood on his mask. You unintentionally looked into his cold, almost sad looking eyes.
"I'm sorry, it's not my choice.."
He lunged at you, knife in the air. You covered your face with your arms as you braced for impact, tears streaming down your trembling face.


You woke up.

    You shot up from your place on the couch, slightly hyperventilating. You looked around frantically. Your breathing and heart rate starting calming down after a few seconds, realizing you were in the basement.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You opened them back up. You felt something wet dripping down your face.
As you shot your hand up to see what it was, you realized you had been crying in your sleep. You chuckled quietly as to not disturb anyone else's sleeping.
You got up from your place on the couch, looking around for something quiet to do. You knew you couldn't go back to sleep.
You made your way into the dark kitchen. You could've sworn you saw something red and glowing for a split second, but brushed it off as nothing. You looked over at the microwave and noticed the time.
'11037' It read. You blinked in confusion. It instantly changed as soon as it was there. Now it read '3:30' You sighed, thinking your imagination was the cause of these weird events. You sighed, grabbing yourself a snack and ate it slowly. You couldn't get your mind off of your weird dream.
'It was just a nightmare, I should stop worrying so much...' You thought. After your little snack, you were extremely bored. You tip toed slightly towards Larry's bedroom door, questioning if you would end up waking both Sal and Larry up. If so, they'd be pissed.
You opened the door to reveal Sal sprawled out across the floor and Larry having his face towards the wall. You giggled slightly, trying your hardest to not awaken them.
As you tried to find a book or something, you walked past Sal.
There was a loud creak right as you took a step near his head.
'God dammit the world just seems to hate me.' You thought in a moment of worry.
You heard Sal groan a bit before turning over, his face in full view as it was facing the ceiling. Your eyes widened for a moment before they returned to their calm state. You knew about Sal's scars, but you'd thought they would be way worse.
"Even with the scars, he's still pretty cute..." You mumbled without realizing. You put a hand over your mouth, ears turning red.
You quickly turned from Sal, walking out of the room. Your ears were tinted red and you felt heat rise to your cheeks. You didn't even want to find entertainment anymore. You sat back down on the couch and sighed. You lay back down, wondering why Sal actually hid his face from the world.
'Although, I guess people do make fun of him for it, even though it's super rude and unreasonable. Making fun of people's appearance is basically saying you have nothing better to say about someone. Or you're just self conscious yourself but still...'
Whilst deep in thought, you drifted back to sleep. Thankfully, you didn't have another nightmare.

The entire time, however, Sal was awake and now a blushing mess.


You woke up again, but this time it was from someone shaking you awake. You opened your eyes, instantly squinting at the sudden bright light bulb. Once your eyes adjusted, you noticed it was Ava who had woken you up. You yawned and stretched. It was a Sunday, so you didn't have any school. You noticed Sal and Larry sitting on the floor, talking about some random thing you couldn't care less about.
You sat up, yawning a second time and stretching your arms.
"Why do you seem so tired, (Y/N)?" Ava asked, titling her head ever so slightly.
"Oh, uhm, no reason. I woke up really early from a nightmare." You said and shrugged your shoulders. You got up from your spot on the couch and headed over to the kitchen, looking for something to eat.
As you made yourself some breakfast, you could've sworn you felt someone's eyes on you. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Sal peeking at you every so often, his ears slightly pink.
You shrugged it off as nothing and finished preparing your breakfast. You sat down at the couch next to Ava. She smiled and turned on the TV, pressing a few buttons and then putting on (favorite anime). You smiled at ate your breakfast peacefully.

~°About half an hour later°~

"WAIT WEREN'T YOU AND SAL SUPPOSED TO MEET TODD FOR SOMETHING?!" Ava shouted loudly, startling you. You jerked your head towards her, your brows furrowed.
"aVa wHat tHe fUck." You nudged her, clearly joking but still a bit pissed.
"I'm sorry~. I just thought Todd would be worried or something since you both aren't there.."
"Fine. I forgive you. For now..." You looked back towards the TV.
As soon as you finished your breakfast, you stood up. You slipped on shoes as you looked towards Sal, "C'mon, we should go get the Gearboy."
He nodded and stood from his spot on the floor. He walked over towards the door where his shoes were, putting them on in a hesitant manner.
You watched the blue haired male as he was acting weird.
"Is something wrong, Sally Face?" You asked. He shot his head up towards your confused and worried face.
"No... I'm fine.." He mumbled. "We should go now. Todd is waiting."
You didn't buy it but decided to not question him any further.

No matter how much you tried, you couldn't stop remembering your weird dream any time you saw the blue hair male named Sal Fisher.

You made your way towards Todd's apartment. You didn't want to disturb his parents so you didn't bother knocking the door.
"He could be asleep, (Y/N)." Sal said as you turned the doorknob. You shrugged and made your way inside.
"It's almost nine in the afternoon, I'd doubt someone like him would sleep in for long."
Sal looked confused at your weird wording but didn't question any further.
Sal hummed slightly, barely audible.
You looked back towards Sal, "Are you sure you're okay? You've been awfully quiet.." Your brows furrowed for the second time in the same hour. He looked at you.
His piercing blue eyes seemed to stare directly into your soul. It sent shivers down your spine.
"I'm fine. It's nothing. Just uhm... A dream." He said. He looked away from you.
You couldn't say why, but you felt kind of disappointed.
"If you want to talk about it, I wouldn't mind." You smiled and walked towards Todd's room.
Sal's mask moved up ever so slightly, indicating he was smiling.
Eventually, you stormed into Todd's room. The door made a loud 'BANG' as it slammed harshly against the wall.
Todd and Sal flinched in sync as they gave you a look.
Ya know, that look where they're pissed and scared at the same time. Yeah, that look.
"Tis I, (Y/N) (L/N). I have come to retrieve thy Gearboy with my worthy companion Sal Fisher." You shot your arms up dramatically as if you were in some drama movie.
Todd just sat there in silence as he went over and got the Gearboy for you. He handed it to you and glared in your direction.
"Now get out." Todd directed as he pointed towards his door.
You bowed playfully, "Yes, my Lord."
You Snickered as you left the apartment with Sally Face.
Once you were out, you sighed in relief. "That was fun while it lasted." You were still smiling as you handed Sal the Gearboy. He looked down at it before looking over at you. He sighed as his eyes widened for a moment.
"Hey, (Y/N)... How did you know my last name...?"
Your eyes widened in realization.
'Shit, he never told me his last name..'
You stumbled for words as your thoughts were scrambled.
"I- uhm, I- it... It's a coincidence...?" You didn't dare make eye contact.
"That sounded more like a question rather than an answer. Tell me." He jolted his head at you. You were tempted to look his way but didn't, keeping your eyes on the ground.
You sighed.

You suppose you couldn't keep it a secret forever.

You tensed up.

"I- I'll tell you when we get to the basement... I have to tell both you and Larry the truth..."

There's 4 references
If you find them I'll uh
Idk I'll draw you or something
K bye

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now