Chapter 5

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A/N: Updates might be slower from now on, sorry~
Also I'll be explaining here and there what Ava looks like. She is based off my real life best friend (Chocobella625).

"So, who's going first?"

And so, the game began.

"Ashley, you go first since you recommended we play the game in the first place." Todd said. It was clear he wasn't very fond of truth or dare. Ashley was excited.
"Okay! Hmm... Ava! Truth or dare?" Ava snapped out of whatever thought she was having. She adjusted her glasses and looked at Ashley.
"Truth...!" Ava said. She was prepared for the worst.
"Let's see... Have you ever... Had a crush on a fictional character? And who is it if you've had one?" Ashley asked.
"Yeah, I have. I actually have multiple,  but some I can't tell you. My favorite one, though, is a character named Haise Sasaki from Tokyo Ghoul." Ava explained. Ashley basically screamed.  (K let's pretend Ash is an otaku like myself and Ava)
"YOU WATCH TOKYO GHOUL?!" Ashley ran/crawled over to Ava. "Cool."
Larry spoke up. "It's your turn, Ava."
"Okie~! (Y/N), truth or dare?" Ava turned to you. You, in all honesty, we're not a daredevil. So, you decided to be a pussycat and choose truth.
"Eh... Truth."
"Hmm okay... Let's say that you... You were teleported to a game, which would it be?" She asked. You weren't sure if she was trying to get you to pretend you weren't in one, or tell everyone you're already in one. You looked around nervously. You looked back at Ava. You grabbed her arm and walked into a different room.
"What are you doing? I told you we can't tell them about it!" You whisper-shouted. Ava looked a bit confused.
"What would happen if we did tell them?! It's not like everyone is going to go insane! What is your problem, (Y/N)?" Ava shouted back at you.
"Ava. Let me explain the game to you. It's called Sally Face. It's a fun game, but since the very beginning, you already know this will be a mystery/horror game. For God sakes, the main character is a boy who got his face destroyed by a dog! So of course, I'm scared everyone will go insane. You already know the ending, so don't act like everything is okay."
"What... Do you mean? You already know about everyone...?" You heard a voice behind you. You were scared to turn around, since you already knew who it was. Sal.
"Ah- we were just talking about... The game that (Y/N) wanted to go visit! It's very scary and there's a bad ending and stuff...." Ava lied. Sorta.
"Oh... Okay." You could tell Sal didn't believe it, but he went with it anyways.
"Let's get back to truth or dare, yeah?" Ava said. She smiled and grabbed your hand. She ran back to Larry's room and sat down next to you.
"That was way too close..." You thought.

500 words.

Sorry it's kinda short, I'll see if I can try to make longer ones from now on.

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now