Chapter 7

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Eventually, the school day ended. You, Sal, and Larry wait outside of the school for Todd and Ash. You had earbuds in, listening to music, when you noticed a familiar looking boy walk up to Sal and Larry. You took out your earbuds fast, and instantly became defensive. Travis Phelps was starting chaos like always. You already knew all about him and honestly felt really bad for him. He's just misunderstood. But it doesn't give him a reason to bully others.
You watch Sal and Travis get into an argument with Larry swinging in every so often. You wanted to help Travis with his problems, but he'd probably just punch you. You got ready to fight just incase Travis decided to do something bad to Sal.
"You only have friends because they pity you, freak!" Travis said. You couldn't tell if he liked starting fights, or this was his way of showing affection. Travis didn't really notice you, until you spoke up.
"No, we're his friends because he's not a jerk, unlike some people." You defended. You gave Travis a cold glare.
"Is this your girlfriend or something, dumbass? Tell her to get lost."
"She's not my-"
Then, Ash and Todd run up to you, Sal, and Larry.
"Hey guys! Ready to go?" Ash interrupts Sal. Thank God she was here. Things were about to get awkward or chaotic. Or both.
"Uh... Yeah. Let's go." Larry said. He motioned for Sal and you to follow him. Once you were out of Travis's sight, you hugged Ash and thanked her for saving your life from Travis. You were imagining what the situation would've been like if Ash and Todd didn't show up.
"Things were getting a bit chaotic until you showed up. Thanks a lot!" You said.
"It's no problem, (Y/N)! It really wasn't that hard honestly."
We eventually all made it back to the apartments and went into the basement to all hang out.

~Smol Time Skip brought to you by Ciel Phantomhives dead parents~

Sal and Larry start talking about Charlie. You have to pretend you don't know who this 'Charlie' person is.
"Who's Charlie?" You asked. Ava looks at you confused, but then gets the idea.
"Oh, I guess we haven't really explained the weird things about these apartments..." Larry started. He exchanged a look with Sal as if to say, "Should we tell them?"
Sal begins to speak. He tells you about how Charlie murdered Mrs. Sanderson, and how him and Larry helped bring justice and send him to jail. You felt bad because Charlie was wrongly accused, but you couldn't tell them that.
You and Ava pretended to be shocked. Sal goes on to then tell you both about the ghosts and demons in the Addison Apartments as well.
You personally (liked/disliked) paranormal things and wanted (everything/nothing) to do with them. As it turns out though, this game is based around paranormal activity, so there's no avoiding it if you wanted to.
"Dudee, you're giving me anxiety just by talking about it." Larry says.
"Maybe we could help out with your searches sometime?" Ava asked.
"Yeah, that'd be really helpful." Sal exclaimed.

~Smol Time Skip brought to you by Shinji Hirayama who literally no one knows but I love him~

Eventually, Ash had to leave due to her parents needing a babysitter.
"So, when do you wanna start looking for ghosts~?" Ava asked, jokingly.
"We could right now if you really wanted to." Sal said. He didn't look up from his gameboy when he was talking.
"Wait, really?" You asked. You thought Ava was only kidding about the ghosts, since she seemed a bit nervous about them.
"Yeah, I guess we could. I can try showing you to Meghan, though she's really shy."
"Okay! Let's go!" You said as you slipped on some Converse. You were a bit of an emo weeb (sorry if you're not~), so you had on a/an (anime of choice or music band of choice) T-shirt and black jeans. No one really questioned your shirt, since no one cared frankly.
You headed out of the basement with Ava, Sal, and Larry. You all crammed into the elevator and awkwardly made your way onto the 5th floor.
When you reach the 5th floor, you weren't super surprised with the scenery. The floors and walls looked ancient and broken. You glance at the warning sign on the wall next to the elevator. You skimmed through the words briefly before continuing on. You all walked into room 504 to meet Megan.
You, Sal, Ava and Larry all head into the bathroom.
Everything was either covered in mold, dirt, or dust. It looked like this bathroom hadn't seen the outside world in 50 years.
"Megan?" Sal asked. He looked like he was talking to no one like a crazy person. "...She's a bit shy, sorry."
"It's fine if we don't meet her tonight, we could always come back some other time." Ava said. She looked around the gross restroom, wanting to escape. 
"Yeah, I guess so." 

You all head back downstairs, a bit disappointed you didn't see any ghosts. You wondered when Todd would construct the Super Gear Boy, it'd make everything way easier. You also wondered if you could hint towards the future without screwing everything up. You didn't like to take risks, though. Maybe some other time.

You're on your way back to Larry's apartment. Everyone was silent on the way down, and you got bored, so you decided to break the ice.
"So Sally Face, you've seen a lot of ghosts around these apartments?" You question. You turn your head to look at Sal. 
"Yup, this place is definitely haunted." He says. "It's kinda hard to get them to come out sometimes, though."
"What if you made some kind of device to make the ghosts appear easier? Maybe Todd could help." You suggested.
"Yeah, actually, that's a good idea. Thanks, (Y/N)." Sal said. You smiled a bit.
"It's not a problem, Sally Face."
You all made your way back to Larry's apartment and goofed around until Sal had to leave.

This took way longer to write than it should've.

1011 words.

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