Chapter 15 The New Big Ten!

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It's been three months since the youth tournament had occurred, with the finals ending up becoming Travis vs. Andre. With neither winning, the tournament and going their separate ways, Travis has been focusing on training both his body and mind. He's been training with his mother for two months before she ended up disappearing again. Travis walks outside for the first time in nearly a month as the sun blinded him for a few seconds. Before Travis could even begin to do anything, Sebastian made his presence felt and appear in front of Travis.

Sebastian: "Master Travis! I haven't seen you outside in at least three months. What's going on?"
Travis: "I'm putting a pause on my training for now, as something has been on my mind that needs to be done. First, though, how did your mission go and what were the results?"
Sebastian: "Both Ricky and Andre have a near-perfect team fighting that caught me off guard a couple of times, but nothing I couldn't handle. Andre's getting stronger, and they went after the false cosmos warriors. They were able to beat them and add three more warriors to the nation."

Travis: "Very interesting. I see my opponent will continue to be a throne to my side no matter what. I will deal with him in the future, but now, I must be on my way."

Sebastian: "Where are you headed anyway?"

Travis: "Whenever I sleep, my grandfather continues to come to my dreams talking about his life for some reason. What he ended up telling me is how he formed a group that was so powerful that it took elite warriors from all the nations to stop them. That group was the Big Ten. I begin to think of reforming the big ten, but with warriors that I know can take down these so-called nations.

Sebastian: "Reforming a new Big Ten will get the nation's talking, but who exactly do you have in mind for this group?"

Travis: "How about you come with me and see?"

Sebastian: "Very well, then. You might need some help with some of these warriors."

The warriors begin their travel as they begin to share their life experiences before appearing in a small city to take a break. Travis immediately felt a strong Rai in the area before it disappeared quickly and they continued their walk. Once the two warriors sat down and ordered a drink, people began whispering, which caught the attention of Sebastian quickly who was ready to say something.

Sebastian: "You do realize that I can hear all of you, right? If you have a problem, then come solve it."

Four guys stood up and began walking towards Sebastian, who had a smirk on his face. Before he could stand up, though, the four guys were turned into ice. A warrior (blue eyes, black hair, stood around 6' and weighed 215 pounds) came walking towards them which put both warriors on notice.

??: "No need to worry. I am not looking for a fight, but I am curious about why you two are in this city?"

Travis: "We are searching for a man named Ethan, do you know him?"
??: "You're looking at him. What can Ethan do for you?"
Travis: "I'm reforming a new Big Ten."

Ethan: "..................... Say no more. I'm in. I'm assuming I'm the first person to join, correct?"

Sebastian: "Correct. Do you know anyone else that would join?"
Ethan: "Actually, there is a big city about three hours from here where some guys hang out at. Judging from their Rai the last time I was there, they would easily join the group. Are there any names, in particular, you're looking for?"
Travis pulls out a paper with names written down and gives it to Ethan to read. Ethan would look at the list and had a smile on his face.

Ethan: "Just by luck, each warrior on this list will be in that city, surprisingly. They all do different things in that city but don't know each other and keep their Rai hidden. The only problem we will have is finding out where exactly are they in the city and whether they will join the group."

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