chapter 1

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it was finally the day! the day where my dreams, hopes and aspirations come true! Monaco Longines Global Championship Tour 2021. I was ready, my horses were all travelling safely on the plane, as was I, and I had my best two supporters right next to me! Bella and Olivia, they were my best friends since I could remember and they had been coming to all these horse shows with me since my first ever 1.30 GP at Bolesworth in the UK. I have 5 horses Geneva, Jelly, Star, Glory and Sam. they were top horses and some I rode for owners but some I owned myself. my parents live back in my hometown in florence in Italy, that's why they named me florence,  but there not that interested in me and my horses, they are more interested in my siblings. I moved to Florida to fulfil my dream of showjumping to work at a trainers yard and ride my horses and compete to top level and here I am on the plane to Monaco.


as the planes wheels hit the hot, black tarmac of the runway I gathered up my things and woke Bella and Olivia up, they slept the whole way, I couldn't, I was too excited. 


as I walked through the streets of Monaco I saw red barriers along all the roads

"hey what are the red barriers for" I said as I tapped Olivia on the shoulder who was also walking beside me

"its for the formula 1 race this weekend, it will be going ahead when were here, the formula 1 race and this show is linked apparently you can get these tickets that give you passes to get into the showjumping stands and the f1 stands" she explained to me pointing to various places

"the hotel your staying in is strictly only for the drivers and competitors so who knows you might have a room next to Lewis Hamilton or Max Verstappen." she said smiling

"look were going to our hotel, see you later" Olivia and Bella said smiling as they walked away

I smiled as I looked around and gathered the views of the seaside with all the yachts floating around as I get a call, it was my trainer Nick

"hey Nick" I said 

"Florence there's a ring familiarisation tonight for riders and the f1 drivers on the track, which horse would you like to familiarise in the ring, you can only take one in" he explained as I thought deeply who I would take, this was important

"umm I think I will go with sam, he's more spooky and he's never been abroad" I said 

"okay great! see you at 6pm at the stables" he said as he put the phone down

I lean over the barriers looking over the view of the sea right beside my hotel as I hear someone behind me

"you must be one of the show jumpers on team USA" a deep voice said behind me 

I turn around and look up to see a tall tanned curly haired brunette

"uh yeah, how did you know" I said smiling 

"oh I don't know maybe the USA flag on your back saying 'team USA' and your definitely not an f1 driver" he said laughing as he stood next to me looking at the sea as well

"now that we have established who I am, the real question is who are you?" I said smiling as I turned to face him"

"im daniel, im an aussie f1 driver" 

"nice to meet you" I say holding my hand out

he takes it and shakes my hand as he smiles at me, then someone shouts my name 

"Florence stop flirting and get your ass to your horse" of course! Olivia had to say that right now

I shut my eyes and scrunch my face in complete embarrassment "duty calls, ill see you around Daniel " I said as I walked off heading to the stables

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