the funeral

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play let her go by passenger I imagine that song to be playing at the funeral

TW: some more distressing  scenes

we all walked in, Daniel by my side, Olivia on my other side. flowers everywhere in a beautiful English church, her coffin sitting at the front and a picture of her and her horse laying on her coffin with flowers, rosettes and trophies by it. 

"it beautiful" I said as I started crying, Daniel and Olivia crying too

"may we all sit"

the mother, sister and father gave 3 lovely speeches, now my turn. I walked up to the alter beside her coffin, wiping my tears, with a bracelet in my hand. as I was up on the raised area with a reading stand I looked at her coffin before a started

if you want play read all about it, pt II by emeli sande

"wow, um where do I start. Bella was a gorgeous courageous young girl who had so much future in her eyes, she inspired me to be the rider I am today. she was my best friend since we were 2 years old. I remember one day where I qualified for Olympia in England, my first ever abroad competition, and she ran all the way to my house just to say well done" I said smiling  as I started to break down inside. I gave a minute whilst I tried to keep myself together but it wasn't working. "I am truly crushed to see her beautiful soul be taken too soon. I am going to say one more thing before I cry too much and embarrass myself, if she was here she would be taking the piss out of me" I said laughing and looking down pausing before I say my last few words to her.

"this is the bracelet she gave me in 3rd grade, she told me no matter what I do she will forever be my best friend. and she will be so Bella, I love you more than anything and I will miss you more than anything. shine bright in the sky. I will make you proud because you definitely made me proud"

that's the end guys, I might carry on this story if you want. thank you so much for reading, I enjoyed writing this book and im sorry it ended like this but I didnt really have anything else to do. comment if you want more of if you want me to carry on but for now goodbye xx

S x

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