chapter 9

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florence.clare: always helping the amateurs    👁‍🗨bella.orchid


cat.clarke: ok but you look sexy in this

↪️ not as sexy as you 😘

Bella.orchid: okay but its normally the other way round 💀

Olivia.bale: that drink defo had vodka in..\

↪️ how did you know?😂


it was the party tonight which meant I needed to start getting ready so I got back to my house with Bella and Olivia and we annihilated my wardrobe. we ended wearing really sexy, gorgeous outfits.


as we arrived at the party I quickly swished my hair back and turned to face Olivia

"do I look okay" 

"you look great, now lets go" Olivia said as she took Bella and i's hand into the club, I saw luisinha standing with lando at the bar so I headed that way whilst Olivia and Bella went off to find hot boys.

"you look stunning" luisinha said to me as she held out her arms for a hug

"thank you, you look gorgeous too" I replied

"wow you look great flo" Charles said as he came up behind me, hugging me from behind

"awh thanks" I replied smiling, seeing everyone from Monaco really made me miss dan, I wish he was here, as mad as I was about him not texting me or not replying I just missed him, he was the type of person who just makes you happier automatically 

dans pov

im walking round this party looking weird and lost but all im here for is florence, I missed her like crazy and she hadn't text me or answered my texts, I feel like she's mad at me but I still missed her, I needed to find her. I headed to the bar and as I saw it in sight I saw a tall, tanned girl in a sparkly dress, I knew It was flo, I could tell

flos pov

"Florence!" I heard from behind me, I turned around. it was dan!

"dan!!" I replied as I ran and hugged him, a rush of excitement filled my heart

"I missed you, why did you not answer me or anything" I said in his chest

"wait what, iv been texting you, you never answered me!" dan said as he pulled away and laughed

"do you know what your here now I don't even care" I grinned

"I really missed you flo, like crazy and I couldn't stop thinking about you" dan said quietly and looking serious, he meant it

I smiled "me too dan", I hugged him again

as we walked over to everyone else at the bar who had just witnessed it everyone got up and hugged dan whilst I sat down and smiled at luisinha.

"wait is that. is that a loser?" max said from behind dan trying to squint his eyes

"you beat me once" dan replied laughing as they went in for their 2 minute long handshake

the night went on with everyone talking and I started to get tired and I didnt want to get drunk as I didnt like to drink during the season as I need to keep my body fit and healthy and all. I felt someone reach and touch my arm and they whispered in my ear

"wanna go, you look tired" he said. obviously it was dan

I nodded as I got up and said my goodbyes, Charles obviously hugging me awkwardly, Bella and Olivia were long gone as they had a competition tomorrow that I was going to help with as well. as dan and I walked out he slipped his arm around me.

"Charles likes you" dan said looking pissed

"yeah well iv only got my eyes on one man" I replied smirking

he grinned "where are you staying" I said as I looked up at him and rested my head in his chest whilst walking along the pavement with the warm breeze on my bare shoulders

"was going to stay with max for a bit, but I just left him" he said laughing

"you can stay with me, but I have one favour in return" I said smiling as swept my hair back behind my ear

"which is?"

"you come with me to Olivia and Bella's competition tomorrow" 

"but I know nothing about horses and I barely know them" he said laughing in confusion

"but you know me! come on pleaseeeee" I said giving him puppy eyes

"fine okay" he said as he squeezed me tighter and got into a taxi


we hadn't spoken about our kiss since Monaco and it wasn't awkward as we have both forgotten about it, sort of but I didnt know where we stood.  I didnt know weather he still had feelings for me. as we arrived back to my house we both got out 

"you have a nice house, rich girl" dan said as he looked at it and laughed 

"its my great sense of exterior design" I said smiling 

"I think your better at this than showjumping, after all you did eat sand in Monaco" he said as he cackled for ages as I stood there and watched him roll around laughing

"shut up, max beat you remember? Obviously hes better..." I said having my arms crossed over my chest

"what you gonna move to max now and just dump me here?" dan said teasing me

"I might" I said with a straight face

as I went to unlock the door, it was already unlocked, this was weird. I remember locking it. I furrowed me eyebrows as I stepped and walked through to my kitchen, dan following me, where the lights seemed to be switched on.

as I peered around the corner to make myself present in the kitchen two people stood up and shouted 

"SUPRISE" with glee in their faces my parents shouted.

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