chapter 19

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TW: distressing writing..

Daniels pov

florence had been MIA for a long time now, I had no clue where she is or who she's been with, I don't know what to do. maybe I should fly to her and forget about f1 or maybe she will text me back soon, I have no clue. I had left her multiple texts and none them were being read. I was so worried, something has happened, we were fine until last week. 

"dude stop checking your phone every 2 minutes she's probably busy, she's fine" lando said as he punched me as we were chilling in the cafe on the track

"no she's not, I can tell" I replied

"well when was the last time you spoke to her?" 

"before her friends horse show, she was supposed to arrive here tonight, but I don't think she's coming.. I feel like iv maybe done something" I replied as I looking down at my phone, checking it once more

"you should be worried" I hear a voice form behind me, it was luisinha

"what" I replied confused

"a girl doesn't just 'stop talking to you' trust me, you got to help her"  luisinha replied 

I look down at my phone again, this time there was a text, but from nick, her trainer.

n: hey Daniel, have you heard from florence, she's missed 3 training sessions, its not like her that's all! thanks

d: sorry no, im actually struggling getting hold of her too, surely shes with you at the stables?

n: nope, hasn't been for a while actually

d: ok, ill find her

this made me worry even more, she never misses training, not in the season. somethings happened..

Florences pov

I couldnt miss Daniels race, plus I know he would be worrying about me, I couldnt deliver the news over text so I need to fly out to him tonight. I felt bad that I hadn't answered anyone texts but I feel numb and dead inside, people say its the stages of grief but really I feel like my body just has shut down completely.

as I arrived at him hotel door, i felt even more dead than usual, it feels odd, as I lightly knocked on the door he opened it straight away 

"florence! omg where have you been, are you okay" he said straight away standing in the door

"Bella died" I answered, a dead expression arrived to my face. his face dropped, he brung me into a tight hug as I stood there lifeless.

"im sorry florence" 

I nodded as he brung me into his room and sat me down at his kitchen counter.

"when did this happen and how" he said holding my hand with his arm around me comforting me

"at the show, her horse crushed her, died straight away" I answered

his face dropped even more, i guess he was just worried that it would happen to me and how that if it happend to Bella at a smaller level then it could happen to me too

"and I feel guilty because I don't feel anything, I mean im not sad, im not happy, im not disappointed im just numb. im literally nothing" I replied as I rested my head in my hands on the counter

"flo look, that's not true, do you know how I know that. because your feeling numb if you wearnt feeling numb then you would be feeling anything." he said as he squeezed me

I put my head in his chest and for the first time since it happened 

I cried.

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