chapter 14

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text message


mum: hey sweetie, we booked a table at 7 for me, you and your father to go out this evening (if your friend Daniel wants to come that's fine) see you there? xxx

me: he left but thank you and sure, see you there x

mum: great okay sweetie, see you soon xxxxx


as I rolled my eyes looking at the amount of kisses my mum sent I heard my phone bleep again, this time is was from someone who had lightened my mood a bit!


Daniel: hey i'm at the airport, I miss you ❤️

me: I miss you too, please be careful this weekend racing xx

Daniel: I will but only if you promise to focus on showjumping too xx

me: yes I will, have a safe flight, I got to go as meeting my parents for dinner in a sec 😒

Daniel: okay well have fun baby, remember at the end of the day they are still your parents xx❤️

me: I know ❤️


 I arrived at the restaurant and saw my parents sitting down. I glanced over at them as I sat down

"oh sweetie you look perfect" my mother said as I took a seat, I smiled in return 

"so where did Daniel have to go" my father asked

"oh um hes a professional formula one driver so he had to go to Mexico to race this weekend" I said nervously as I smiled through the awkwardness 

"oh wow, so is this a friend or is there something there" my mum replied whilst laughing 

I laughed back as I replied in a smile "uh no dans actually now my boyfriend"  

"oh sweetie im so happy for you, you made a good choice too, hes famous" my mum said as she winked at me and laughed 

the first time in a while I had actually felt happy with my parents and I guess giving them a chance really did help, but I couldn't help but think of Daniel and I know how much he wanted me to focus but it made me even more crazy about him.

-2 days later-

as the plane landed in hot, sunny Abu Dhabi my game face was on, luckily Daniels qualifying race was on the same time as my flight so I watched the whole thing, Daniel ended up P7 which I think was good, I mean I was no expert but he looked happy on the cameras. 



me: P7!!! WOOOO🙌🏻🙌🏻xx

Daniel: thank youuuu, not too shabby would of liked a P1 but its whatever..😂

me: so hard to please 

Daniel: landed safely then?

me: yup, so did the horses ☺️😂

Daniel: of course they did, good luck, ill be watching 

me: ❤️


only Olivia came with me to this show as Bella had family emergencies to attend so I guess it was just nick, Olivia and i, as Olivia and I walked through the airport and out the doors waiting for a taxi she turned to me to say

"so how's you and lover boy"

"we are good but I miss him" I replied

"I know, I can tell" she said laughing as she slumped and sat down

"we have been sitting down for 17 hrs, how are you needing to sit down" I said as I joked around with her 

"a girl gotta take a moment" Olivia replied as she laughed and put our bags into the taxi that had just turned up for us

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