chapter 13

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"okay Bella you will want to come around this corner tighter than you would Olivia, Bella your horse has more flexibility than Olivias" I said pointing to the different jumps as we walked the course together

"I love having an International show jumper train us for free" Olivia said

I smiled back and rolled my eyes as we walked out. dan was standing watch whilst talking to nick. one thing to know about me was I had one rival, Fran summers, I hated her with my guts and she had a pretty mutual feeling about me too. I used to compete with Olivia and Bella before I became an International show jumper and moved up to higher levels and I guess me moving onto better things made Fran hate me even more than she did. as we walked out Fran was walking out to which forced us two to be in the same 5 feet radius.

"and what brings your big ego here?" Fran questioned me as we stopped outside the ring just infront of dan and nick who had turned around to watch our conversation 

"of course you have to talk to me" I replied rolling my eyes and looking the other direction 

"I know you may think your better than me, but your not" fran said as she stepped closer with a snarl

"sorry I must have missed you in Monaco, you know jumping the 1.60 classes. oh of course that's right you weren't there" I said laughing whilst staring at her

"whatever, its all the money rushing to your head" 

"what money, you mummy and daddy are here with you at every single show technically feeding you the money, well where's mine huh? they're never here" I said as I walked past her and nudged her shoulder.

"I see you have rivalry" dan said as he laughed at me

"yeah, used to be best friends now we hate each others guts" I replied looking pissed off

"she's jealous" dan said as he slipped his arm around me making me feel happier



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florence.clarke: missed course walks with these weirdos <3


Olivia.bale: top trainer 🙌🏻

↪️only for you 

Bella.orchid: why do you always have to photobomb smh😔

↪️just too cool..😩

fran.summers: ew, ugly

↪️your just giving me more comments 😘


the show was over and Olivia ended up 2nd and Bella ended up 5th, not too bad for a 1.20. Fran won which gave her even more ego which really pissed me off but at least I was better than her.



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Olivia.bale: thank you for the top support and training florence.clarke ILY <3

florence.bale: well done today, really good riding xx

fran.summers: still beat you and your petty friends..

↪️sorry where were you in Monaco?

Bella.orchid: I will beat you next time 💕

↪️nah you won't xxxxx


as I laid down on the couch with my head in Daniels lap, I looked up to him

"hey Daniel" 


"when do you have to go back to Australia" 

"I actually needed to talk to you about this" he said as I sat up at looked at him

"I need to leave tonight, I have a race in Mexico and I need to go straight there" he said squinting his eyes as though he was apologising

"im going to miss you" I said as I straddled him and wrapped my hands around his chest and squeezed him tight, following along with a kiss

"but I did have some good news to follow It up with!" dan said as he grinned

"okay so the formula one admissions said to a few other members that they made tons of money combining the showjumping with formula one as some horse fans came to watch horses and a bit of f1 and so on, so they are thinking of combining a few more races together!!"

"what the hell, this is great" I replied as I grinned and gave him an even bigger hug

as my mood slightly changed and my smile slowly faded I remembered about what nick told me earlier on "I have to leave for Abu Dhabi in 2 days, so I won't see you for ages" 

"we will make it work, don't forget about me" dan replied whilst he kissed my cheek and got up to get his bags

"I won't, I promise" 


the taxi arrived to pick him up for the airport as we stepped outside of the door

"ill see you soon, good luck in Mexico I will watch you on live I promise" I said as a tear rolled down, dan then pulled me into a hug 

"good luck in Abu Dhabi and I will try to watch you too, just please focus on showjumping, you care about it so much and I don't want you to be thinking of me all the time" dan replied

"okay, have a safe flight" I said as I kissed him goodbye and waved him off, I hated goodbyes I always have, I just wish he could stay...

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