chapter 7

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after that nothing really happened other than a whole lot of flirting on the way to the party, but no kissing. we arrived at the party and went in there was loud music, flashing lights and loads of people. I loved parties more than anything so I was in my element.

"c'mon lets get a drink" I said to dan as I shouted over the music smiling

I tugged his hand to the bar and ordered some shots as max and Charles came over to see Daniel 

"you have a girlfriend?" max said pointing at me looking surprised and I guessed hurt that he didn't tell him, or so that's what he thought

"no haha were just friends" dan said as he laughed and looked at me

"hi Im Charles, nice to meet you, you look stunning tonight" Charles said as he held his hand out as I shook it and smiled softly, I could tell dan wasn't sure about it.

"want to dance?" Charles said as he smirked at me

I look at dan who is death staring Charles, they have always had a rocky friendship him and Charles, I guess they just clash. I look back at Charles and reply "sorry dan already asked me" I said I took his hand

he turned to me and smiled as he squeezed my hand 

"okay well im not taking this" he points at us "as 'just friends'" max said whilst laughing 

dan rolled his eyes and pulled me to the dance floor amongst the other people

"I don't remember asking to dance" dan whispered into my ear, his warmth breath on my neck

"I lied" I said as I whisper back in a flirtatious way 

he grinned as he spun me around to face him

"don't lie again" dan said as he smirked 

"and what will you do if I do" 

he took a hollow breath through his lips "confident I see" 


as we walked over to the bar we saw lando and Luisinha having a drink

"hey lando, erm Flo this is luisinha and luisinha this is Florence" dan said as he pointed at the too of them

"hey nice to meet you" I said as I hugged her

"nice to meet you too" she replied

lando smirked at dan as in to say 'good choice', dan shook his head as in 'she's not my girlfriend. it was odd, they had a weird way of communicating but hey ho.

"so Florence why are you here?" luisinha said 

"oh I showjump so I qualified a few of my horses to compete here and I met dan on my first day so ever since we've been friends 

"amazing, landis sister is here showjumping too, how did you do this week?" lando said

"yes I compete against her, her name is florence too haha! iv had a win and a few podiums and a fall" I said whilst laughing

"oh dear, im assuming your okay?" luisinha said

"yep I was fine, just pissed off" I said as I looked at dan and laughed 

the night went on meeting a lot of people and making new friends. I was going back to USA tomorrow and dan was going to back to Australia so I guess I wouldn't really see him again which upset me but we will keep in touch.


It was the next morning and I was packed and I had my bags in the back of the car waiting for my driver to get back from signing out or whatever he was doing until I see a very tall, tanned Aussie heading my way, of course it was Daniel 

"leaving without saying goodbye" he said as he laughed

"well I couldn't find you" I replied as I lifted my sunglasses off my eyes and onto my head as I crossed my arms

"where's your next competition" dan questioned


"dam, I won't see you, mines Spa, Belgium" he said as he looked disappointed 

"well it was pleasure doing business with you Ricciardo" I said as I held out my hand, I was upset, I was trying not to cry and I could tell Daniel wasn't okay either 

"fuck that" he said pushing my hand away and bringing me into a tight hug "im going to miss you flo, so fucking much" 

he was really upset, this wasn't him, I could feel him crying on my shoulder, it broke my heart to see him like this

"we will see each other again i'm sure of it" I said as I squeezed him

 he pulled away "we don't live in the same country and this is the only event of the year when riders and drivers come together" he snapped as a tear feel from his cheek

I wiped it away "don't give up hope on me now ricciardo, I will see you again, I promise" 

"ready to go" a man said from behind me, it was my driver

I look back at Daniel "yes" I reply as I kissed him gently on the cheek and got in the car and looked at him and waved, smiling as we drove off. 

as much as it hurt me to leave him I knew I would see him again and that he would be okay

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