chapter 8

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3 and 1/2 months later

It had been a long time since Monaco and me and Daniel hadn't talked once, I missed his smile and his humour more than anything and I didnt even get to see a glimpse of it over the phone, some days I typed the message out but didnt have the guts to send It. I don't know why it was so hard, I guess I just missed him but didnt know how to tell him


me and Olivia were out on a trail ride, I was riding a new horse I was gifted from Tina Tackle, her name was freya, she was a top quality horse and I was so excited to compete her.

"what you thinking about" Olivia asked me as I was daydreaming 

"oh um nothing" I said smiling 

"its dan isn't it" she questioned, I looked back at her to confirm she was correct

"something happened when me and Bella left didnt it.."

"yeah, we kissed and then we had to say goodbye and he was crying"

"dam, im sorry" Olivia said pushing her lips together 

"he hasn't texted me yet, he said he would"

"hes probably saying the same about you Flo, text him right now" Olivia said as she nudged my arm

"what if he doesn't want to talk to me"

"then he won't answer the text, its worth a try" 


as I typed out a long message I read it out to Olivia

"ok so I said 'hey dan, its me Florence, I know I haven't texted you but I couldn't stop thinking about Monaco and to be fair, I miss you, loads. where are you? how's f1 going, I have seen you on TV a couple times, you look like your having fun, anyways you might never want to talk to me again but its worth a try.' "

"yep I would just add one thing" Olivia said as she came closer to me, I pointed the phone at her so she could add whatever she wanted and when I looked back it was sent

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" I shouted

"oh please I knew you wouldn't send it in the end, I know you too well flo, and so does freya" she laughed and pointed at freya who had one ear back listening to out conversation.


a few days had past since I sent the message, nothing. he hated me a swear I felt awful, no wonder he never wanted to speak to me again. I guess that was the end of him though.

as I was cleaning my tack getting ready for holland next week my phone binged, a part of me hoped it was dan but the other didnt, well it wasn't, infact it was Luisinha 

-hey, hope this is the right number but a few f1 drivers are in Florida at the moment and were having a party, your welcome to come. luisinha x

-hey luisinha, yep right number haha, of course ill come send me the details xx

hopefully I could see max and things there, but there was one person I was kinda hoping to be there..


"I don't care what you say blah blah blah your both coming to the party" exclaimed as I looked at Olivia and Bella who was sitting across the table with a glass of mango juice in there hands 

"we weren't invited flo" Bella said as he put her cup down on the tackroom table

"I don't care we come as a joint package" 

"come on bella, lets go we can meet a load of gorgeous f1 boys" liv said as she grinned and nudges Bella

"mmm okay fine" Bella agreed

the party was tonight in a local venue about half an hour away, I had no clue who would be there. what to wear and if I should take drinks. I mean the whole thing is so unorganised but at the end of the day I had my 2 best friends going with me anyways. 

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