chapter 18

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*distressing writing and trigger warning of death*

1 month later

after dans glorious win in Monza a few weeks ago us both were on a high, we were perfect, at the moment he was staying in Australia getting ready for the Australian GP and seeing family, but I wasn't able to go as I had to stay and coach Olivia and Bella at their biggest show of the year! WEF, winter equestrian festival 

They had both qualified and Bella was so excited to go, it was her first time, last year she watched Olivia go as she didn't qualify but this year they both did. I was so happy for them, I love seeing them exceed in what they do, it makes me so happy.

"you ready?" I said questioning both of them as we walked the course

"of course, im so excited, honestly iv never felt this exiting in a long time!" Bella said as she grinned happily

I smiled back seeing her so excited

"what about you Olivia?" I questioned as she was the other side of me 

"yeah im super excited, I guess its just a normal show to me now" 

"oh ha ha, very funny, talk about rub it in our face" Bella said sarcastically

as Bella was standing in the tunnel on her gorgeous horse, I watch Olivia who was now riding, she had one pole down! not too shabby, she wouldn't be pleased with that but at least she got round.

"right your up Bella. enjoy it" I said smiling softly as she headed in, I could tell she was nervous going in but I trusted her. 

as she came up to the double, she had the wrong stride, her horse plunged over it landing on her whilst the jump toppled on top of them both. it was over, there she was laying under her horse just like I was a few months ago. of course I was worried but I was half expecting her to get up and be okay like I was, but no, she laid there very still. this time it was different

I ran in to see if she was okay and to get her horse but the paramedics where already around her gathering, I could see people crowding her screaming for help and paramedics looking in shock, I didnt know what was going on, I couldn't see anything so all I could do is bring the horse out of the ring and leave the paramedics to do their job. 

"what's happening is she okay?" Olivia ran up to me

"I don't know" I said in a soft tone

"is she okay" other people running up to me shouting at me

"I don't know" I said a little louder, people still proceeding to shout at me

"I DONT KNOW, OKAY I KNOW AS MUCH AS YOU, LEAVE ME ALONE, I DONT KNOW!" I completely lost it, I gave me flashbacks and this time I could tell the outcome wasn't going to be positive.

as I watched the ring even more an ambulance came sirening in and she was lifted on a stretcher to it, she was taken away. I got up, tears filling in my eyes, I needed to get her horse back to the stables, a tear dropped down my face as I was walking, people rushing everywhere. her mum had gone with her so she would give as any information there was about her as soon as possible.

-a few hours later-

we were back home and we were all sitting in the tackroom having drinks waiting for any type of news  there was. she was my best friend since we were 2 years old. I can't loose her.

"guys I have a text" Olivia said as we all listened, she read it out

"Hi Olivia, im sorry to say but Bella passed away. her heart was crushed and she was dead way before the paramedics got to her. im sorry to deliver this news through text. I have sent this message due to parents being to overwhelmed too. 

kind regards, Dr Toby McBrian."

that was it my whole body felt numb

we all looked at eachother, as tears filled up our eyes, complete silence

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