chapter 6

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it had been a while since my argument with dan and I was chilling in my hotel room talking to Bella before my last class of Monaco 2021, I didnt feel right, I almost felt empty, I hate what I did to dan, out of everyone I know he didnt deserve it at all, I need to fix it but first I needed to regain my success from yesterday. as I scattered out into the corridor of the hotel I put my jumper on ran to the stable block, after all I was late I guess. 


as I sat on jelly I leant down to check my girth and revised my course, after all I needed to do well. as I entered the ring with the crowd cheering and the commentator announcing my name following up with the details of my fall from yesterday I started my round. as we swayed around the course we found ourselves flying the last fence, we were clear, finally I felt okay for once, my horses was my happiness drug, a drug that isn't prescribed, when im on jelly Its just me and him galloping away our problems its a pain relief. I loved the feeling it gave me it was like my shot of espresso. like a ray of sunlight in my shattered heart.

we ended up 3rd, I was pleased, it was a podium! as all my horses set of on the transporter to the airport later that night I had tonight and tomorrow to figure everything out without the stress of horses or anything, now it was just 'the leavers' party tonight for all the F1 drivers and riders that have worked hard this week with many successes, victory's and podiums.


I planned on getting ready for the party a little earlier so I could go speak to dan a bit before.

I planned on getting ready for the party a little earlier so I could go speak to dan a bit before

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your wearing this 

I found myself standing outside of room 201, dans room to be specific. I don't normally get nervous but I was shitting myself. I knocked on his door hoping he wouldn't answer, he did. as he looked at me in the eye, his smiled faded away to show a shocked, hurt Daniel Ricciardo, something no one really sees from him.

"can we talk?" I said as I tried to hide myself in my shoulders 

as he opened the door more I stepped in and took at seat at the kitchen area on one of the stool, he followed and leant down on the kitchen counter.

"im really sorry about what I said, I didnt mean it, really" I started to splutter all these words whilst putting my head in my hands

"why did you say it then if you meant none of it" dan said in hurt

"I don't know, im stupid, I shouldn't even be here, I hate myself, I need to go-" I started to panic and get out of myself as tears fell from my cheeks. he softly grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug comforting me whilst holding my head into his chest as I balled my eyes out.

"im sorry, im so so sorry dan"

"its fine, don't worry about it" he said as he squeezed me tighter

as I stopped crying and wiped my cheeks I looked up at him, inches away from him, I moved closer, he followed me actions, our lips softly touched together as I cupped his tanned, stubble cheek. his lips were soft and he tasted of fresh mint but not too minty, just perfect actually. as he ran his arm down my arm and wrapped them around my waist his tongue entered mine, we carried on for about 10 seconds until he pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine

"I really like you Flo, I have since the moment I saw you standing on the track looking onto the sea with you brown hair flowing perfectly down your back" dan said as he played with my hair that was dangling down my back

I smirk and kiss him once more "you don't know how crazy I am about you" I said blushing 

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