chapter 4

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as he crosses the finish line I jumped up and hugged Bella

"ahh pole position!!" I said loudly as a grin wiped across my face

"i'm so happy for him" Bella smiled

a few moments later when he hopped out his car and did his celebration and got his well done he ran over to me as I opened my arms out for a hug

"I knew you could do it, well done!" I said as I squeezed him tighter, he smelt so good, how is this possible..

"thank you, were both champions" he said as he nudged my shoulder

as I stared into his eyes I heard a faint voice behind us

"ah Daniel and Florence both champions, we would like to do a sit down interview of a series of questions fans have ask you two on instagram in a few minutes, you up for it?" a tall man said with a head mic on and a itv sports top on

we both looked at each other and shrugged

"yeah okay we will do it" Daniel said smiling 

"great okay see you soon" the man said walking off


we had both freshened up and got our paddle boards as we went to sit down back to back.

"3 2 1 action"

"we are here with Daniel Ricciardo Monaco 2021 pole position and Florence Clarke 1.45 speed class winner at only 20 yrs old" 

lets just make Daniel 21 yrs old in this story😂

"hi i'm Daniel Ricciardo and im a formula one race car driver" he said smiling

"hi im Florence" I said as I just smiled

everyone laughed and Daniel was in hysterics 

"your supposed to say your full name and what you do" he said as he kept on laughing

"oh um okay, look iv never done this before, its not funny" I said laughing as I smacked Daniel, him still in hysterics

"hi i'm Daniel Ricciardo and im a formula one race car driver"

"hi i'm Florence Clarke and I'm an international show jumper"

"ok first question florence, if you could pick any other sport to do what would it be" Daniel asked ready out his flashcards

"hmm this ones hard, probably tennis, I play tennis regularly" I answered 

"interesting" Daniel said as he did an interest frown you know that weird frown people do when they find out someone does something that they didn't know about..😂

"alrighty, the question says, from danfan101, Daniel would you ever date florence? btw I love you" I asked him as I laughed and smirked 

"who knows" he answered as he shrugged


we wrapped the interview up after a while of juicy questions.

sorry the interview was kinda boring, you kind of have to use your imagination and guess what things will be like in this story cos its really hard to write stories like this, I would rather direct a movie😂😂 - S x

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