chapter 10

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"youv got to be kidding me" I sniggered under my breath, just loud enough for dan to hear me

"hello my sweet, perfect darling daughter, oh I haven't seen you in ages" my mum said in a posh state of manor as she ran to me with open arms squeezing me into a hug 

"what are you doing here" I said as I crossed my arms in frustration 

"honey, were you parents aren't we allowed to come here once in a while" my dad said as he gave me a hug too

before I could answer my mum looked at dan and smiled 

"wow who's this young handsome man" she said taking a deep breath as if to imply how gorgeous he is

"hi mr and mrs Clarke, im daniel" dan said as he held out his hand 

"and are you her-" I cut my mum off

"mum were just friends, now can we cut to the chase, after 4 years of promising to come see me every time I speak to you and now you show up in my kitchen, what do you want" 

"we wanted to come see you" my dad said with his posh voice

"but you never make it to my competitions why pick this time when nothing is happening" I said as I sat down and pushed a chair out for dan

"well there is obviously something happening" my mum smirked and made eyes at dan

"ugh" I said looking grossed out as I put my head in my hands 

"we will stop by and see you tomorrow evening for supper, but for now you two have fun" mum said as She picked up all her things and headed to the front door

"um- okay bye then?" I replied as they hurried out of the door and left

I squint my eyes in confusion, processing what just happened 

"that was the weirdest thing ever" I said as I looked at dan

"why you so hard on them" dan questioned

"they keep blowing me off at all my big competitions and there more interested in my sister who is a professional tennis player" 

"oh sporty family" dan said laughing

"high achievers more like" I laughed back 


"where's the guest room" dan said as we walked upstairs 

"who said you were sleeping in a bed on your own" I questioned as I smirked and gave him a flirtatious look

he grinned as he stared deeply into my eyes

as I led him into my room I turned on the lights to reveal a big bedroom with a nice white double bed with a collection of surf boards on the wall and floor to ceiling windows going across one side of the room. 

"you surf?" dan questioned

"oh yeah, used to as a child but not anymore" 

"why not"

"got too into showjumping and I moved away from the sea"

"you have any tattoos?" dan asked as he looked at my surfboards whilst I sat on the end of my bed watching him

"yeah I have one I got when 17 and I was drunk, my parents went ballistic " I said as I laughed 

"lets see" dan answered as he walked over to me

"im going to have to take off my shirt" I smirked and shrugged

"fine by me" dan said with a grin on his face

I took of my shirt to just reveal me In a bra, the tattoo was going across my rib, it was only small about a Lip balm size, it was a wave

"its a smart choice for someone who was drunk" dan said as he looked at trying not to drawer his eyes any higher

"you think" I said as I put my shirt back on

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